Not available
The social life of small urban spaces
In 1980, William H. Whyte published the findings from his revolutionary Street Life Project in The Social Life of Small Urban Spaces. Both the book and the accompanying film were instantly labeled classics, and launched a mini-revolution in the planning...
CAD 43.00
The Things Around Us: 51N4E and Rural Urban Framework
The architectural offices 51N4E and Rural Urban Framework operate at the seams of urbanization, with projects situated in transitional settlements in Ulaanbaatar, in the new vernacular of rural China, in the transforming centres of Western European cities and in Albania’s...
CAD 35.00
Not available
The turn of the century: A reader about architecture within Europe 1990-2020
German designer Matthias Sauerbruch and British designer Louisa Hutton have asked a diverse group of authors to reflect on the various conditions that have shaped the conception, production and circulation of European architecture over the past 30 years. While the...
CAD 47.00
The university is now on air, broadcasting modern architecture
The university is now on air, broadcasting modern architecture examines a key experiment by The Open University to mobilize new media environments for distance and adult education. Eight episodes written by Joaquim Moreno, conversations with Tim Benton, Nick Levinson, Adrian Forty,...
CAD 45.00
The Use of Models: Nineteenth-Century Church Architecture in Québec
This study draws attention to the phenomenon of a highly focused moment in history—wooden architectural models in mid-nineteenth-century Queebec used for a specific building type. Whether intended to explain a project to workmen, the parish committee, or a client, models...
CAD 9.95
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Not available
The women who changed architecture
CAD 72.00
The women who changed architecture
A visual and global chronicle of the triumphs, challenges, and impact of over 100 women in architecture, from early practitioners to contemporary leaders. Marion Mahony Griffin passed the architectural licensure exam in 1898 and created exquisite drawings that buoyed the...
CAD 72.00
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There, is the city... and, here are my hands
Menna Agha and Ola Hassanain edit, curate, and annotate this collection of stories by black Europeans, in which they tell stories of African peoplehood in cities that didn’t want them. They gather and tell stories of care, refusal, and the...
CAD 36.95
Not available
Things we do together: The post-reader
A call for collectivism and collaboration in a world that prioritizes individualism, with insights from artists and researchers worldwide.   This anthology collects essays and honest conversations with creative practitioners invested in social justice. Artists, activists, researchers and educators initiate...
CAD 39.00
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Not available
Thomas Demand: House of card
CAD 75.00
Thomas Demand: House of card
Published on the occasion of a solo exhibition of Thomas Demand’s work at Belgium museum M Leuven in October 2020, this book focuses on Demand’s relationship to architecture and his engagement with architects over almost fifteen years. The starting point...
CAD 75.00
Thomas Locke Hobbs: L.A. Vedute
The lines that divide us are the spaces we share. Driveways, paths, entrances and walls. These are the boundaries that separate our homes, but also the in between areas we use and cross over.   L.A. Vedute by Thomas Locke...
CAD 60.00
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Not available
Thomas Struth: Unconscious places
CAD 66.00
Thomas Struth: Unconscious places
In this new edition of his striking collection of street views from 1970 to 2010. Thomas Struth presents a series of urban streetscapes from cities such as Edinburgh, Lima, Pyongyang, Naples, and New York City, all taken in similar conditions--devoid...
CAD 66.00
Not available
Thought by hand: The architecture of Flores and Prats
Argentinian architect Ricardo Flores and Spanish architect Eva Prats began their artistic partnership with the foundation of their studio in Barcelona in 1998. Since its conception, Flores & Prats has operated according to a design ethos that fuses craft with...
CAD 49.00
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Todd Hido: House hunting. 20th anniversary reissue
Todd Hido’s large color photographs of suburbia are lonely, forlorn, mysterious… and strangely comforting. Hido photographs the interior rooms of repossessed tract homes, and the outsides of similar houses at night whose habitation is suggested by the glow of a...
CAD 118.50
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Not available
Todd Hido: Outskirts
CAD 118.50
Todd Hido: Outskirts
Todd Hido finds the poetry in that strangeness, which consists of all the matter implied but unsaid in the margins of thrillers. It lurks in the high-tension wires, the high-intensity lights, the leafless trees and ambitious weeds, the hurricane fences...
CAD 118.50
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Not available
Todd Saunders: New northern houses
CAD 99.00
Todd Saunders: New northern houses
Norway-based Canadian architect Todd Saunders has a unique understanding of the arctic landscape. His designs, set in some of the most remote locations on earth, splice modern sculptural forms with a deeply rooted respect for nature. His care for the...
CAD 99.00
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Not available
Tokuko Ushioda: My husband (2 vol.)
CAD 102.00
Tokuko Ushioda: My husband (2 vol.)
Tokuko Ushioda launched her career as a photographer around 1975, befriending figures such as Shigeo Gocho and Fusako Kodama, who became important inspirations. While studying under Kiyoji Otsuji, she crossed paths with Shinzo Shimao, who would later become her husband....
CAD 102.00
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Not available
Too Much 09: The Sacred
CAD 48.00
Too Much 09: The Sacred
TOO MUCH is a magazine about romantic geography. Its purpose is to document our collective experience of cities and look at the ways people and landscapes make and remake one another. This volume of TOO MUCH Magazine asks: Who is to...
CAD 48.00
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Not available
Tools n° 02 : Le tissage
CAD 30.00
Tools n° 02 : Le tissage
À travers un état des lieux historique, des reportages en usine, des décryptages de savoir-faire, et des pièces iconiques, Tools livre une enquête sur le tissage d'hier et d'aujourd'hui, en accordant une grande attention à celles et ceux qui fabriquent...
CAD 30.00
Toxic Nature: Toward a Queer Theory of Pollution
Environmental Histories of Architecture presents the work of eight researchers who each analyze specific environmental relations, crises, and reforms and demonstrate how society and the environment have been co-constructed, represented, and lived in their respective geographies. While their essays are...
CAD 0.00
CCA Publication
Toy Town
CAD 15.95
Toy Town
Toy Town looks at what toys tell us about our concept of community, some reflecting ideals of urban order, while others simply evoke a “childlike” sense of a generic town.Essays by Cammie McAtee and Peter SmithsonGraphic design by Glenn Goluska...
CAD 15.95
Toyo Ito with Koji Ichikawa and others – Meanwhile in Japan
In this new volume of the CCA Singles presenting the Meanwhile in Japan conversations, Toyo Ito sat with a group of young architects and academ­ics to discuss how his early work of the 1970s and 1980s took a radical approach...
CAD 14.00
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Not available
CCA Publication
Toys and the Modernist Tradition
CAD 9.95
Toys and the Modernist Tradition
Toys and the Modernist Tradition observes early twentieth-century notions of modernism as interpreted by toy manufacturers, often with the collaboration of architects. The toys produced were inspired by the new built forms, with bright colours and materials such as plastic.Essays...
CAD 9.95
Traces of India: Photography, Architecture, and the Politics of Representation, 1850–1900
Traces of India: Photography, Architecture, and the Politics of Representation, 1850–1900 investigates the different cultural roles played by photographs of Indian architecture from the second half of the nineteenth century. Although picturesque views, scientific records of an architectural past, political...
from CAD 49.95
CCA Publication
Tracking Images: Melvin Charney
CAD 19.95
Tracking Images: Melvin Charney
The Montréal-based Canadian artist and architect Melvin Charney describes the history of modern architecture as a series of significant monuments that have been reproduced and documented. Here, the unexpected events transmitted by wire-service news photographs—selected, classified into various thematic areas,...
CAD 19.95
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Transbordeur n.05 : Photographie et design
Le cinquième numéro de Transbordeur explore l’histoire des relations entre photographie et design du XIXeau XXIe siècle. Différentes thématiques sont abordées : la photographie du design et le rôle de la photographie dans les publications liées à ce champ ;...
CAD 54.95
Not available
Transbordeur n.06 : L‘image verticale. Politiques de la vue aérienne.
L’histoire des vues aériennes est liée au développement des moyens de locomotion aériens qui, depuis le XVIIIe siècle, produisent de nouveaux points de vue fixes et mobiles sur la terre. Des premières montgolfières aux drones contemporains, les dispositifs de vision...
CAD 54.95
Tricks of the light: Essays on art and spectacle
Tricks of the Light brings together essays by critic and art historian Jonathan Crary, internationally known for his groundbreaking and widely admired studies of modern Western visual culture. This collection features a compelling selection of Crary’s responses to modern and contemporary...
CAD 48.00
Not available
Tropical Modernism: Architecture and independence
Emerging in the death throes of colonial rule, the story of Tropical Modernism is one of politics and power, decolonization and defiance. Its leading proponents, British architects Jane Drew and Maxwell Fry, adapted a utopian Bauhaus-derived Modernist aesthetic to hot and...
CAD 63.00
Not available
Tunirrusiangit: Kenojuak Ashevak and Tim Pitsiulak
Kenojuak Ashevak shot to fame in 1970 when Canada Post printed The Enchanted Owl, a print of a black-and-red plumed nocturnal bird, on a postage stamp. She later became known as the magic-marker-wielding "grandmother of Inuit art," famous for her fluid graphic...
CAD 45.00
Tutto, tutto, tutto...o quasi
Gianni Pettena was a founding member of the Radical architecture movement in the late 1960s, which included names like Archizoom, Remo Buti, 9999, UFO, Superstudio, and Zziggurat. Besides critiquing modernist functionalism, the self-proclaimed “anarchitect” became noted for a purposeful reluctance...
CAD 77.95
Not available
Twitter and tear gas: The power and fragility of netowkorked protest
To understand a thwarted Turkish coup, an anti–Wall Street encampment, and a packed Tahrir Square, we must first comprehend the power and the weaknesses of using new technologies to mobilize large numbers of people. An incisive observer, writer, and participant...
CAD 23.00
Typobiographie : Jost Hochuli, 60 ans de travaux
Typobiographie revient sur l’ensemble de la longue et prolifique carrière du designer et typographe suisse Jost Hochuli. Rassemblant textes et un corpus d’images d’archives inédites, cette monographie visuelle entend générer des réflexions sur la question du design de livres et...
CAD 65.95
Ulrich Königs, Chemnitz Stadium
This publication presents the Chemnitz Stadium, a project whose visual effects and structural qualities were shaped by a transition from hand sketches to a digital 3D model.Cologne-based architects Peter Kulka and Ulrich Königs, in collaboration with structural engineer Cecil Balmond...
CAD 0.00
Umberto Riva, designer
Umberto Riva developed a personal approach to design, understood as a fundamental part of a broader research that connects painting and architecture, interiors and objects. Lamps, furniture, carpets and graphic design resonate with paintings, installations, buildings, public spaces and domestic...
CAD 54.95
Umberto Riva: Interiors and exhibitions
The architecture of Umberto Riva (1928-2021) has, over the span 60 years, distinguished itself by its stimulating complexity. This monograph analyzes, for the first time in a chronologically extended form, his work in the field of interiors and exhibitions; fundamental...
CAD 54.95
Un être, un acte, un objet, un lieu
La photographie comme la cinématographie sont des techniques d'expression de la révolution industrielle dans lesquelles le spectateur ne considère jamais l'original, le négatif, la matrice, mais toujours des copies, des tirages, des doubles. Un être, un acte, un objet, un lieu tente...
CAD 30.00
UN Studio - Erasmus Bridge
This publication presents UNStudio’s Erasmus Bridge, a large-scale infrastructural project in Rotterdam that saw innovative use of digital files as tools for design and sites of communication.The City of Rotterdam commissioned UNStudio, led by Ben van Berkel and Caroline Bos,...
Cette publication présente le pont Érasme de UNStudio. Pour ce vaste projet d’infrastructure construit à Rotterdam, la firme a innové dans son utilisation de fichiers numériques en tant qu’outils de conception et sites de communication.En 1991, la ville de Rotterdam...
CAD 0.00
Not available
Not available
Un Yankee au Québec
CAD 22.95
Un Yankee au Québec
À trente-trois ans, celui qui allait devenir l’un des plus éminents philosophes américains quitte momentanément son refuge forestier pour entreprendre un court voyage au Québec, où il visitera la métropole, la capitale et les environs.   Henry David Thoreau (1817-1862), célébré...
CAD 22.95
Not available
Unannounced voices: Curatorial practice and changing institutions
Alternative forms of curatorial and institutional work suitable to our novel conditions, when the relationship between physical and online work must be revised.   In our current era of global pandemic and violent political upheaval, the question must be asked:...
CAD 21.95
Undisciplined Knowing: Writing Architectural History Through the Environment
Environmental Histories of Architecture presents the work of eight researchers who each analyze specific environmental relations, crises, and reforms and demonstrate how society and the environment have been co-constructed, represented, and lived in their respective geographies. While their essays are...
CAD 0.00
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Not available
Unikaangit : Légendes inuites
CAD 19.00
Unikaangit : Légendes inuites
Créé dans le cadre d’un projet de Fusion Jeunesse au Nunavik et réalisé par Anorak Studio, ce recueil de sept légendes présente des oeuvres dessinées en partie par des élèves de l’école Innalik d’Inukjuak. Histoires porteuses de sens pour les...
CAD 19.00
Unsettling educational modernism: Simon Fraser University
The iconic architecture of the brutalist modernist megastructure of Simon Fraser University in Vancouver, Canada built by architect Arthur Erickson in the 1960s is the site of the artistic research project into the history of this “radical campus” and its...
CAD 35.00
Not available
Not available
Urban wild ecology
CAD 70.00
Urban wild ecology
Following the calamitous events of 2011 in Japan, Fuminori Nousaku and Mio Tsuneyama began to look at the link between materials and energy related to daily life, such as household goods, homes, food, and waste. They sought ways to reinvent...
CAD 70.00
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Not available
Vacant Spaces NY
CAD 80.00
Vacant Spaces NY
This project began by walking around our neighborhood noticing empty storefronts. Once we saw them, they were everywhere. They followed us, appearing quietly throughout New York City. Many with no signage, no "for rent," no "coming soon." Usually empty, sometimes...
CAD 80.00
Not available
Not available
Valerio Olgiati: Built
CAD 65.00
Valerio Olgiati: Built
Valerio Olgiati’s latest book is about the beauty of the very varied buildings he has realized to date. This exquisite small volume features them all in seventy-nine striking color photographs, each of them supplemented by a floor plan or section...
CAD 65.00
Valoriser les bâtiments existants : Un levier pour le développement durable
La valorisation des bâtiments existants est une des avenues les plus prometteuses pour le développement durable et la lutte aux changements climatiques. Agir de manière décisive pour améliorer le bilan environnemental exige donc d'œuvrer en priorité à la mise à...
CAD 39.95
Vers un art anthropocène : L'art écologique américain pour prototype
Comment un mouvement artistique entièrement consacré à l'écologie et apparu aux États-Unis au cours des années 1960 a-t-il pu passer pratiquement inaperçu jusqu'à aujourd'hui ? Telle est la question au cœur de cet ouvrage qui retrace les conditions d'émergence et...
CAD 39.95
Not available
Vibrant matter: a political ecology of things
In Vibrant Matter, political theorist Jane Bennett, renowned for her work on nature, ethics, and affect, shifts her focus from the human experience of things to things themselves. Bennett argues that political theory needs to do a better job of...
CAD 32.95
CCA Publication
Victor Burgin: Voyage to Italy
CAD 46.00
Victor Burgin: Voyage to Italy
For the internationally known artist and theoretician Victor Burgin, a nineteenth-century photograph from the CCA collection, a view of the Basilica at Pompeii by Carlo Fratacci, prompted a series of images. Voyage to Italy documents the many perspectives of the...
CAD 46.00
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