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Louis Sullivan's idea
CAD 62.99
Louis Sullivan's idea
The story of Louis H. Sullivan is considered one of the great American tragedies. While Sullivan reshaped architectural thought and practice and contributed significantly to the foundations of modern architecture, he suffered a sad and lonely death. Many have since...
CAD 62.99
Louise Bourgeois : Les fleurs
La série de fleurs peintes à la gouache sur papier de Louise Bourgeois.   Née en 1911 à Paris, installée à New York depuis 1938 et jusqu'à sa mort en 2010, Louise Bourgeois a créé en plus de 60 ans...
CAD 29.95
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CCA Publication
Luigi Ghirri/Aldo Rossi: Things Which Are Only Themselves
CAD 29.95
Luigi Ghirri/Aldo Rossi: Things Which Are Only Themselves
This publication examines the presence and role of photography in the process of design and the uses of photography as a personal effect of the architect’s consciousness and subconscious.Focused visual essays investigate the ideas and effects of photography in relation...
CAD 29.95
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Luigi Ghirri: Puglia. Tra albe e tramonti
Puglia. Tra albe e tramonti offers a brilliant account of Luigi Ghirri’s relationship with Puglia — a distinctive region at the heel of Italy, which was pivotal in establishing Ghirri’s career and continued to inspire him throughout it. A first visit...
CAD 90.00
Luigi Ghirri: Viaggi
Among the many recurring interests that connect the rich and open-ended oeuvre of Luigi Ghirri, a fascination with travel resonates through his photographs, publications, and writings. This book by curator James Lingwood charts a course through Ghirri’s photography between 1970...
CAD 60.00
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Lurking: How a person became a user
In a shockingly short amount of time, the internet has bound people around the world together and torn us apart and changed not just the way we communicate but who we are and who we can be. It has created...
CAD 38.00
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Lynne Cohen : Double aveugle, 1970-2012
Cette publication parcourt l'intégralité de la carrière d'une figure majeure de la photographie canadienne, depuis ses premières expérimentations, en noir et blanc et en petits formats, du début des années 1970 jusqu'aux commandes monumentales en couleurs des années 2000-2013. Privilégiant...
CAD 42.95
Lynne Cohen : Observatoires / Laboratoires
Cette monographie grand format propose de redécouvrir l’œuvre de Lynne Cohen, figure internationale de la photographie contemporaine, à l’occasion de son exposition tenue au Centre Pompidou entre le 12 avril et 28 août 2023. L’ouvrage présente des photographies inédites de...
CAD 85.95
Lynne Cohen: Occupied territory
In 1987 Aperture published Lynne Cohen's first monograph, Occupied Territory, an exploration of space as simulated experience--a sham reality, idealized and standardized. The expanded and updated reissue of this classic monograph makes Cohen's pioneering work available to a contemporary audience,...
CAD 80.00
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L’art de greffer en architecture : Utilité et désir à l'ère de la sobriété
L'architecte Jeanne Gang explore comment la pratique horticole de la greffe peut inspirer un nouveau paradigme pour la conception durable.  Jeanne Gang propose d'appliquer la technique de culture végétale de la greffe à l'architecture et à l'urbanisme afin de repenser...
CAD 58.00
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Maa Ka Maaya Ka Ca A Yere Kono, 13ème édition des rencontres de Bamako – Biennale africaine de la photographie
Dans ce « monde globalisé », le récit dominant est précisément celui de la singularité – de l'universalisme, des identités uniques, des cultures singulières, des systèmes politiques isolés. Ce récit s'accompagne toutefois d'un sentiment illusoire de stabilité et de stase...
CAD 69.95
Make do with now: New directions in Japanese architecture
Make Do With Now presents a new perspective on Japanese architecture by introducing a young generation of architects and designers. Influenced by the Tohoku earthquake and Fukushima nuclear disaster of 2011, they share the desire for a sincere engagement with...
CAD 76.00
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Making matters: A vocabulary for collective arts
Collective action often changes the artist’s identity and working habits: from individuality and autonomy to collectivity and collaboration, both locally and globally. This has given rise to new kinds of collective art and design practices: artists work together with nonartists,...
CAD 38.00
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Making space: Women and the manmade environment
Making space is a pioneering work first published in 1984 which challenges us to look at how the built environment impacts on women’s lives. It exposes the sexist assumptions on gender and sexuality that have a fundamental impact on the...
CAD 33.95
Manifest 3: Bigger than big
What does it mean to grapple with the immensity of the continent itself? For the third issue, Manifesto aims to highlight propositions that have taken seriously the 'bigger than big'—design and representational experiments aimed at narrating, framing, or enacting the...
CAD 31.50
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Manifestes 1: Manifesto of interiors, thinking in the expanded media
Interior architecture today operates at the intersection between physical and mediated spaces, such as those of mass communications, digital platforms or visual arts. Considering any form of representation as potentially architectural, from writing to photography, drawing to cinema, Javier Fernández...
CAD 20.00
Manual of biogenic house sections
Organized by those materials (wood, bamboo, straw, hemp, cork, earth, brick, stone and re-use), and incorporating life cycle diagrams demonstrating how the raw material is processed into building components, the book shows how the unique properties of each material can...
CAD 53.95
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Not available
Mapping Malcolm
CAD 38.00
Mapping Malcolm
“For Harlem is where he worked and where he struggled and fought—his home of homes, where his heart was, and where his people are.” Nearly sixty years since the martyrdom of Malcolm X, these words from Ossie Davis’s eulogy remind...
CAD 38.00
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Marble in metamorphosis
CAD 50.00
Marble in metamorphosis
Marble in Metamorphosis contemplates the physical and cultural life of marble. It explores the ethics, politics and symbolism of its use and deliberates over the spirit of the material and why some cultures so revere and desire it. In reflecting on...
CAD 50.00
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Marcel Lods : Éduquer à l'architecture moderne
Si l'œuvre de Marcel Lods est, pour une assez large part, connue de tous en France comme à l'étranger, force est de constater qu'une part substantielle de sa réflexion sur l'architecture et planification territoriale demeure à ce jour sinon ignorée, à...
CAD 39.95
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Marianne Mueller: Stairs etc
CAD 125.00
Marianne Mueller: Stairs etc
Over the years Marianne Mueller has accumulated an archive of photographs taken both at home and on extended journeys. Completely nonhierarchical, the pictures capture whatever strikes the artist's fancy. In Stairs etc, her archive has supplied the copious images of the...
CAD 125.00
Marine Pagès : Les Corps flottants
Le travail de Marine Pagès déploie une pratique du dessin élargi : sur papier et dans l'espace. Cet ouvrage prend la forme – lointaine et non exhaustive – d'un inventaire, en échos au processus de travail de l'artiste. La forme...
CAD 39.95
Marisa Portolese: Goose Village
Goose Village unveils the lost history of a vibrant neighbourhood decimated by urban development in the 1960s. This first edition chronicles the once-thriving Goose Village in Pointe-Saint-Charles, Montreal, and the lives of its displaced inhabitants. Portolese's comprehensive body of work,...
CAD 50.00
Marisa Portolese: Goose Village (ed. français)
Ce petit quartier de Montréal fut détruit en 1964. C’était, nous disait-on, la route du progrès qui devait passer là… Il s’agit du Village-aux-Oies, nommé aussi Goose Village ou plus officiellement Victoriatown. Il fut rasé de la carte comme le...
CAD 50.00
Mark Goulthorpe - HypoSurface
Greg Lynn and Mark Goulthorpe discuss HypoSurface, a computer-controlled elastic surface that responds to sounds, movement, and network commands—and suggests a future where buildings can move and react.HypoSurface began in 1998 and is still under development. Lynn and Goulthorpe consider...
CAD 0.00
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Not available
Martín Chambi. Photography
CAD 75.00
Martín Chambi. Photography
Of indigenous origin, Chambi dedicated a large part ofhis life to photographing the Peruvian Andes, reclaiming the pre-Hispanic past through the images of Inca ruins and portraits of life in Andean communities in the early 20th century. Chambi brings a...
CAD 75.00
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Not available
Martin Parr: India 1984
CAD 12.95
Martin Parr: India 1984
This title is a series of black and white images shot during Martin Parr’s travels through India in 1984.   Martin Parr Café Royal Books, 2022 20 X 14 cm, 24 pages
CAD 12.95
Material Reform: Building for a Post-Carbon Future
Design and research practice Material Cultures brings together a series of short, incisive essays on the cultures, systems, and infrastructures that shape the architectural industry and the destructive ecologies it fosters. Texts centred around key topics including resources, maintenance, agriculture,...
CAD 32.95
Matières premières
Matières premières s’ouvre sur trois citations de femmes – Anne Truitt, Anni Albers et The Slits – qui donnent le ton au premier livre de l’artiste visuelle Annie Descôteaux. Entre la confidence et le désaveu, la révolte et la boutade,...
CAD 18.00
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Meandering: Art, ecology, and metaphysics
Inspired by how rivers bend and curve, connecting entire ecosystems, Meandering: Art, Ecology, and Metaphysics unfolds the cultural, historical, spiritual, and ecological trajectories of waterways, reflecting the vitality of water, from source to sea. A diverse group of artists and...
CAD 38.95
Meditations on Piero: Sculptures by Geoffrey Smedley
A group of works by the contemporary British Canadian sculptor Geoffrey Smedley present an opportunity to explore the links between architecture and geometry, cosmology, surveying, and human anatomy. Smedley was initially inspired by the attempts of the Renaissance artist Piero...
CAD 12.95
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Meet me by the fountain: An inside history of the Mall
Design critic Lange delivers a thought-provoking cultural history of the shopping mall. Noting that malls emerged as the U.S. "reinvented itself" in the decades after WWII, Lange recounts how Austrian architect Victor Gruen convinced the owners of J. L. Hudson...
CAD 37.00
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Meet me by the fountain: An inside history of the mall
Few places have been as nostalgized, or as maligned, as malls. Since their birth in the 1950s, they have loomed large as temples of commerce, the agora of the suburbs. In their prime, they proved a powerful draw for creative...
CAD 26.99
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Not available
Messico 1935/1956: Josef Albers
CAD 39.00
Messico 1935/1956: Josef Albers
Unpublished photographs taken by Josef Albers during his travels to Mexico with Anni in the 1930s and 50s.   Josef and Anni Albers began their travels to Mexico in 1935, drawn to a country very unlike the United States. They...
CAD 39.00
Michael Schmidt: Ein heit (u-ni-ty)
In his recently reissued artist’s book “Ein-heit”, Michael Schmidt traces the universal iconography of political systems and the images of humankind they project. Addressing the complex relationship between the individual and the state, he asks how we can resist the loss...
CAD 100.00
Michael Schmidt: Photographies 1965-2014
Figure admirée et respectée de ses pairs en Allemagne comme sur la scène internationale, Michael Schmidt a pourtant été très peu montré en France. Publié en relation avec l'importante rétrospective itinérante - la première depuis le décès de l'artiste -...
CAD 100.00
Mies van der Rohe: An architect in his time
Ludwig Mies van der Rohe was a German-born American architect and designer whose work in Europe and North America has had an enduring influence on modern and contemporary architecture worldwide. During his sixty-year career, he fundamentally rethought architectural types that...
CAD 109.00
Mies van der Rohe: The Difficult Art of the Simple
Ludwig Mies van der Rohe emigrated from Germany to the United States in 1938, when he was already in his fifties and one of the recognized masters of his profession. This introduction to the critical work of Mies’s North American...
CAD 14.95
Not available
Mieux avec moins : Architecture et frugalité pour la paix
Le constat est connu et s’avère terrible : l’inhabitable se bétonne sur toute la planète. Les bâtisseurs en sont largement responsables ; ils savent qu’une tonne de béton engendre une tonne de CO2, que le sable s’épuise partout, que les...
CAD 36.95
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Not available
Migration: The journey of objects
CAD 65.95
Migration: The journey of objects
Museums rarely present objects as migrants. Yet they often arrive there by way of a migratory process, a historical echo of the flows of migration that have dominated the news over the past decade. As individuals migrate, so do cultures,...
CAD 65.95
Mii lea "davi govvádallan"? Ehtalaš prinsihpat
Oarjemáilmmi dáiddárat ja čállit leat govvádallan ja ovdanbuktán Davviriikkaid jahkečuđiid čađa, mii lea dagahan ahte, logijagiid suksessiva akkumulašuvnnain diskurssaiguin, leat ráhkaduvvon “davi govvádallamat” - mat vulget “Davvin” Skandinávias, Ruonáeatnamis ja Ruoššas, “davvi allagassii” dahje Davvináhpái. Oarjemáilmmálaččat leat johtán davvináhpái beare...
CAD 20.00
Not available
Mining photography: The Ecological Footprint of Image Production
Photography has always depended on the extraction and exploitation of so-called natural raw materials. Having started out using copper, coal, silver, and paper—the raw materials of analogue image production in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries—photography now relies, in the age...
CAD 63.00
Minnette de Silva: Intersections
When Minnette De Silva founded the Studio of Modern Architecture in Kandy, Sri Lanka (then Ceylon), in 1947, she was one of the first women in the world to establish a professional architectural practice as sole principal. Today, she is...
CAD 35.00
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Not available
Modern architecture in Japan
CAD 40.00
Modern architecture in Japan
Manfredo Tafuri published L’architettura moderna in Giappone in 1964. At the time, Tafuri was twenty-nine years old and had not visited Japan.   His slim volume on the country’s postwar architecture was the first in a series of guidebooks on...
CAD 40.00
Modern architecture: A planetary warming history
Modern architecture is inseparably linked with the Industrial Revolution. Industrially manufactured materials such as iron, steel, reinforced concrete, glass, asbestos, and later also plastics, have helped to make architecture modern. The Industrial Revolution also set planetary warming in motion. Thus,...
CAD 45.00
Not available
Modern heritage: Reuse. Renovation. Restoration
Modernism is the most defining architectural expression of the 20th century – a movement that transformed built environments around the world in an unprecedented way. Many of these buildings are in need of repair now or their original function is...
CAD 90.00
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Modern instances: The craft of photography
'Although the dream is a very strange phenomenon and an inexplicable mystery, far more inexplicable is the mystery and aspect our minds confer on certain objects and aspects of life.' Giorgio de Chirico   Stephen Shore's Modern Instances: The Craft...
CAD 60.00
Modes of Concealment: Architecture, Oil, and Historical Method
Environmental Histories of Architecture presents the work of eight researchers who each analyze specific environmental relations, crises, and reforms and demonstrate how society and the environment have been co-constructed, represented, and lived in their respective geographies. While their essays are...
CAD 0.00
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Mohamed Bourouissa : Périphérique
In this series of photographs, Mohamed Bourouissa chose to appropriate the codes of history painting by staging scenes with his friends and acquaintances in the Paris banlieues where they used to hang out. Confrontations, gatherings, incidents, looks, and frozen gestures...
CAD 86.95
Money Matters: A Critical Look at Bank Architecture
As part of a commission by the Parnassus Foundation and the Museum of Fine Arts, Houston, a architecturally representative and culturally significant North American building type —banks— was selected to be variously interpreted by a group of Canadian and American...
CAD 9.95
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