Kaki Lima Stories: Life in the five-foot ways of Downtown Kuala Lumpur

CAD 45.00

Kaki Lima Stories: Life in the five-foot ways of Downtown Kuala Lumpur

CAD 45.00

Five-foot ways, or 'kaki-lima,' are a prominent feature of historical urban centers in tropical Southeast Asian cities. In the hot and humid urban center, these colonnades along the rows of commercial shophouses provide comfortable pedestrian walkways. It is frequently considered not only as a pathway but also as a space for transit activities in Malaysian urban settings. The book delves into the richness, diversity, and beauty of life along Kuala Lumpur's five-footway.


The book begins with Kaki Lima stories from Southeast Asia, particularly from the countries bordering the Malacca Strait. It further investigates the five-footway as the generator of the public realm by illustrating how the physical attributes of the 31 Kaki Lima activities contribute to the livability of downtown Kuala Lumpur. These activities may slow down traffic, but it is precisely this that draws pedestrians' attention to shop displays and makes public space so appealing.


Cornelia Kusumo, Lee Sza-Ee

Suburbia Projects, 2023

20 X 14 cm, 245 pages

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