Just above midtown: Changing spaces
Just Above Midtown, or JAM, was an art gallery and self-described laboratory for experimentation led by Linda Goode Bryant that foregrounded African American artists and artists of color. Open from 1974 to 1986, it was a place where an expansive...
CAD 63.00
Accattone #8
CAD 48.95
Accattone #8
Accattone #8 addresses matters of construction in relation to time, use, change and technical knowledge against the backdrop of the "negative commons" inherited from the productivist society of the past century—"zombie" habits, desires, products and processes that our contemporary condition...
CAD 48.95
Un Yankee au Québec
CAD 22.95
Un Yankee au Québec
À trente-trois ans, celui qui allait devenir l’un des plus éminents philosophes américains quitte momentanément son refuge forestier pour entreprendre un court voyage au Québec, où il visitera la métropole, la capitale et les environs.   Henry David Thoreau (1817-1862), célébré...
CAD 22.95
Apartamento 34: Winter 2024
Latest issue of Apartamento available.   Featuring: Espace Aygo, Ronan Bouroullec, Rose Wylie, Agosto Machado, Miyako Bellizzi, SAGG Napoli, Jane Dickson, Luca Lo Pinto, Gary Schneider & John Erdman, Celeste, Beca Lipscombe, Edgardo Giménez, Molly Manning Walker, Danny Fox, Bethan...
CAD 31.50
Prendre la clef des champs: Agriculture et architecture
Ce livre est une vaste fresque pédagogique qui explore le lien entre agriculture et architecture, deux pratiques complémentaires de domestication qui émergèrent il y a environ 10 000 ans. Dans le contexte contemporain d’impasse écologique, aucune réflexion sensée ne pourra se développer...
CAD 52.95
MOS: Laboratorio de Vivienda / Housing laboratory
Laboratorio de Vivienda presents the 32 projects selected and built, including research, drawings, and descriptions by the architects. It considers the problem of low-income housing by bringing thoughtful attention and expertise of architects, considering how these proposals, assembled into a...
CAD 69.95
Meandering: Art, ecology, and metaphysics
Inspired by how rivers bend and curve, connecting entire ecosystems, Meandering: Art, Ecology, and Metaphysics unfolds the cultural, historical, spiritual, and ecological trajectories of waterways, reflecting the vitality of water, from source to sea. A diverse group of artists and...
CAD 38.95
Architecture follows fish: An amphibious history of the North Atlantic
Architecture Follows Fish is set in the North Atlantic, and its protagonist is fish. In this book author and architect André Tavares explores the notion of fishing architecture, a concept coined to describe architectural practices that are spawned by fisheries....
CAD 66.00
So-Il: In depth. Urban domesticities today
For over a decade, Brooklyn-based SO–IL has been envisioning houses, housings and other projects in between and adjacent to domestic spaces. Reflecting on the state of housing design today – often constrained by pressures of production – SO–IL approaches these...
CAD 68.00
JTM #01: Pour que tu m'aimes encore
JTM est une publication annuelle qui permet de valoriser et de rendre lisible des démarches et savoir-faire dans l'art, le design, l'architecture et la scénographie. Chaque numéro est consacré à une phrase thématique particulière (citation, références, mots) qui guide la...
CAD 58.00
ARN Vol. 5. Atlas des régions naturelles
Avec ce cinquième volet de l’Atlas des Régions Naturelles, Eric Tabuchi et Nelly Monnier poursuivent leur projet au long cours engagé en 2017 : la documentation globale des 450 régions naturelles – ou « pays » – qui composent le...
CAD 70.00
Narrating the globe: The emergence of world histories of architecture
How notions of progress, beauty, and cultural superiority structured the genre of nineteenth-century world histories of architecture—and shaped the discipline as we know it today.   The nineteenth century saw the emergence of a new genre of architectural writing: the...
CAD 79.00
Why I do what I do: Twenty global curators speak
For this fourth volume of the series Thoughts on Curating, twenty renowned curators and collectives from across the globe write about a single exhibition or curatorial project they created that transformed their thinking and the way they have curated ever...
CAD 25.00
Álvaro Siza, Celui qui n’écrivait pas
Siza est à part. Indépendant, discret, il compte dans le monde de l'architecture parmi les plus grands et s'y est fait un nom à force de conviction profonde. Il parle à voix basse et porte sur les choses un regard...
CAD 50.95
Old materials, new climate: Traditional building materials in a changing world
Old Materials, New Climate: Traditional Building Materials in a Changing World is an accessible guidebook to understanding historic materials – how they were traditionally made, how they survived the test of time, and how changes in climate are now impacting materials...
CAD 62.00
Graph vision: Digital architecture's skeletons
How a protean mathematical object, the graph, ushered in new images, tools, and infrastructures for design and catalyzed a digital future for architecture.   In Graph Vision, Theodora Vardouli offers a fresh history of architecture's early entanglements with modern mathematics...
CAD 79.00
Democracy and urban form
“Never have the potential political consequences of architecture been greater, and never has the political sensibility of architecture been less.”This was the state of the discipline that social theorist and urban thinker Richard Sennett declared when he addressed an audience...
CAD 33.95
Philosophy of the home: Domestic space and happiness
A bedroom, a kitchen, a bathroom - are these rooms all that make a home? Not at all, argues Emanuele Coccia. The buildings we inhabit are of immense psychological and cultural significance. They play a decisive role in human flourishing...
CAD 21.99
Expanded Nature : Écologies du cinéma expérimental
Si les cinéastes expérimentaux « élargissent » le champ artistique par une exploration des puissances, des modes de diffusion ou même de performance de l'image animée, à l'ère de l'Anthropocène, ces pratiques contiennent l'espoir d'une toute autre expansion : élargir...
CAD 58.00
Questions on Dwelling, Discourse 01: What it takes to make a home
The documentary film "What It Takes to Make A Home" (2020, conceived by Giovanna Borasi of the CCA and directed by Daniel Schwartz) follows a conversation between two architects whose work addresses homelessness. Michael Maltzan in Los Angeles and Alexander...
CAD 12.00
Mies van der Rohe: An architect in his time
Ludwig Mies van der Rohe was a German-born American architect and designer whose work in Europe and North America has had an enduring influence on modern and contemporary architecture worldwide. During his sixty-year career, he fundamentally rethought architectural types that...
CAD 109.00
LaToya Ruby Frazier: The notion of family
LaToya Ruby Frazier’s award-winning first book, The Notion of Family, offers an incisive exploration of the legacy of racism and economic decline in America’s small towns, as embodied by her hometown of Braddock, Pennsylvania. The work also considers the impact...
CAD 62.00
The Architecture of Urbanity: Designing for nature, culture, and joy
The world is facing unprecedented challenges, from climate change and population growth, to political division and technological dislocation, to declining mental health and fraying cultural fabric. With most of the planet’s population now living in urban environments, cities are the...
CAD 50.00
Paul Graham: Verdigis / Ambergris
Verdigris / Ambergris completes a twelve-year suite of works by Paul Graham focused on life’s transience and our mortality. This pair of sibling books is centered on people scanning the infinite horizon as they look out over land (Verdigris) and...
CAD 130.00
Jessica Backhaus: Plein soleil
Following her series from A Trilogy (2017), Jessica Backhaus embarked on a transformative exploration, shedding the constraints of traditional photography for the depths of abstraction. Cut Outs (2021) marked a breakthrough into a new creative phase with its innovative abstraction....
CAD 82.00
Ecstatic Worlds: Media, utopies, ecologies
Postwar artists and architects have used photography, film, and other media to imagine and record the world as a wonder of collaborative entanglement—to translate the world for the world. In this book, Janine Marchessault examines a series of utopian media...
CAD 69.95
Albert Frey: Inventive modernist
Inventive Modernist tracks the scope and significance of Frey’s career, from his early days in Paris working with Le Corbusier to his rise as the iconic architect of Palm Springs. With full access to Frey’s various archives, the book provides...
CAD 89.95
Exhibiting the moving image
CAD 39.95
Exhibiting the moving image
Since the 1990s, a "cinematographic turn" has taken place in contemporary art, paralleled by the emergence of a "cinema of exhibition." This collection of new essays investigates the relationships between the "white cube" and the "black box," focusing mainly on...
CAD 39.95
e-flux Index #2
e-flux Index is a new print journal surveying the breadth of contemporary culture through e-flux’s publishing on art, theory, architecture, film, criticism, activism, and art education. Published bimonthly, it interweaves long-form essays from e-flux Journal and Architecture, exhibition and book...
CAD 65.00
Tricks of the light: Essays on art and spectacle
Tricks of the Light brings together essays by critic and art historian Jonathan Crary, internationally known for his groundbreaking and widely admired studies of modern Western visual culture. This collection features a compelling selection of Crary’s responses to modern and contemporary...
CAD 48.00
Suburban alternatives: Survey of low-rise high-density housing projects in the US
The expression “low-rise high-density” refers to the ensembles of grouped housing units that maintain characteristics of the individual home, but whose compactness facilitates collective services and amenities, thereby reducing land consumption. These hybrid projects also generate a variety of housing...
CAD 75.00
Histoire de sports
Des athlètes mis en scène par l'atelier Nadar à Clint Eastwood photographié avec un ballon de football par Xavier Lambours, les rapprochements entre les sportifs et les photographes prennent des chemins de traverse dans la collection de la Médiathèque du...
CAD 37.95
Pensées décoloniales : Une introduction aux théories critiques d'Amérique latine
La théorie décoloniale constitue l'un des discours phares de notre temps. Loin des imprécisions dont elle fait souvent l'objet, cet ouvrage, première synthèse en français sur son origine latino-américaine, offre une généalogie et une cartographie d'un continent de pensée méconnu...
CAD 31.95
Natures urbaines : Une histoire technique et sociale 1600-2030
Depuis plus de trois siècles, se pose la question de la place de la nature dans l'aménagement des villes. Des premiers jardins ouverts au public à la fin du XVIe siècle, comme les Tuileries à Paris ou Hyde Park à...
CAD 85.00
Strange design
CAD 45.00
Strange design
Une histoire du design critique, spéculatif et réflexif, en quatre moments, du design radical italien des années 1960 et 1970 à la scène contemporaine, en passant par le design.   Depuis quelques années, des objets étranges ont fait leur apparition...
CAD 45.00
Adriano Olivetti : Écrits et discours
Ce recueil vise à faire découvrir la figure d'Adriano Olivetti, un entrepreneur-intellectuel qui, à travers son usine de machines à écrire, a œuvré pour un renouveau de la société et de la culture italiennes après la Seconde Guerre mondiale. L'architecture...
CAD 44.99
Archipelagic effects
CAD 29.00
Archipelagic effects
Archipelagic Affects explores how art residencies nurture effective spaces to study the tangible and intangible cultural, historical, and geopolitical connections between different island countries. Conceived by Yornel J. Martínez Elías, researcher Emily Shin-Jie Lee, and in collaboration with Taiwanese novelist...
CAD 29.00
Building BAST
CAD 28.00
Building BAST
Building BAST dresse le portrait de BAST, Bureau Architectures Sans Titre, à travers 20 questions identiques posées à 20 personnes parmi les client.es, prestataires, ou collaborateur.rices de l’agence toulousaine. Au fil des réponses, émerge l’approche singulière d’une pratique architecturale attentive à son...
CAD 28.00
The Social dimension of social housing
Housing has become a key concern in most parts of today’s world, putting social housing again at the centre of public debate. However, it is not clear what the “social” in social housing actually means. This book sets out to...
CAD 56.00
Thomas Locke Hobbs: L.A. Vedute
The lines that divide us are the spaces we share. Driveways, paths, entrances and walls. These are the boundaries that separate our homes, but also the in between areas we use and cross over.   L.A. Vedute by Thomas Locke...
CAD 60.00
Dreams and disillusions
Dreams + Disillusions explores the plethora of ideas and ideologies that have shaped and reshaped cities in profound ways. However, unlike a conventional title on the history of urbanism and architecture, its research fluctuates between the world of concrete reality...
CAD 66.95
Holzer-isms. Artists edition
Holzer-isms: Artist’s Edition presents a selection of artist Jenny Holzer’s Truisms (1977–79)—subtly subversive declarations such as ABUSE OF POWER COMES AS NO SURPRISE—on six foldout posters designed by the artist.   Important and influential works of word-art, Truisms are single-sentence...
CAD 82.00
Unsettling educational modernism: Simon Fraser University
The iconic architecture of the brutalist modernist megastructure of Simon Fraser University in Vancouver, Canada built by architect Arthur Erickson in the 1960s is the site of the artistic research project into the history of this “radical campus” and its...
CAD 35.00
PIN-UP 36: Under Construction
Few things are more mind-bending than the process of building. During those messy stages of construction, every wall, column, and floor is anticipated as a step toward completion. But what if the job is never finished? In a world where...
CAD 56.95
Museums at the ecological turn
A reflection on the relation between art, museum institutions and climate activism.In recent years, the intersection between ecological thought and contemporary art has sparked a generative reflection encompassing sustainability, conservation, and survivability. Confronted with the climate catastrophe, ecology questions the...
CAD 36.00
Le jardin biopolitique : Espaces, vies et transitions
Le jardin biopolitique est un lieu mental et un ensemble d’espaces concrets à partir desquels réfléchir à la condition contemporaine de transition sociale et écologique. Architecture et urbanisme sont intimement liées avec la vie, mais la fréquence de leur usage...
CAD 46.95
CAD 36.95
Incontournables dans le paysage contemporain de la pensée urbaine, les écrits théoriques d'Igniasi de Solà-Morales n'avaient jusqu'ici jamais été traduits en français. Ce recueil de dix textes recèle pourtant une richesse de vues propres à nourrir toute réflexion sur le...
CAD 36.95
Arranging things: A rhetoric of object placement
‘Most arrangements are little noticed, yet some stop you in your tracks.’ Originally published in 2003, Leonard Koren’s highly sought-after Arranging Things: A Rhetoric of Object Placement utilises the language of rhetoric to portray visual arrangement as a ‘communicational act:...
CAD 85.00
Architectures of Transition: Emergent practices in South Asia
This publication, which emerged from the "Emergent practices in South Asia" lecture series, catalogs 41 emergent architectural practices in South Asia that displayed a rigorous engagement in the making of architecture, landscape, and infrastructure in the public realm. The publication...
CAD 79.95
El Croquis 225: Macias Peredo
The architects of Studio Macías Peredo, based in Guadalajara and led by Salvador Macías Corona, Magui Peredo Arenas, and Diego Quirarte Contreras, believe that the act of designing is inseparable from the act of remembering. Architecture is a living testimony...
CAD 162.00
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