Apartamento 30
CAD 30.00
Apartamento 30
Featuring: Solange Knowles, Alejandro Gómez Palomo, Kitty Brophy, Mel Ottenberg, Ángela de la Cruz, Channa Daswatte, Levan Koguashvili, Avani & Raghu Rai, Woody De Othello, B+, Clayton Patterson, Yasmine Dubois & Brian Rogers, Jon Gray, Ugo La Pietra, Wilfredo Prieto,...
CAD 30.00
Real Review 13
CAD 19.00
Real Review 13
All times appear equally and at once. The past no longer recedes in an orderly way, but threatens to resurface at any moment in the guise of the contemporary. Nostalgia cycles are getting faster. Old material artefacts return as integral...
CAD 19.00
forA on the urban, issue #0
CAD 40.00
forA on the urban, issue #0
In one way or another, most of the demands on today’s world are intrinsically linked to the urban condition.''forA on the urban'' aims to detect, examine, analyze, and understand these situations in a way that goes beyond conventional frames of...
CAD 40.00
The Colour Journal: The blue issue, Vol. 1
CAD 111.00
The Colour Journal: The blue issue, Vol. 1
The Colour Journal is not simply another publication about the meaning of colour. Colours have not been approached in a literal way but as a starting point, a pretext to tell bigger stories, a means of revealing the story within...
CAD 111.00
Faire : Regarder le graphisme, volume 12 (n° 42-43-44-45)
Les numéros 42 à 45 de la revue critique consacrée au graphisme. nº 42 — 12 ou 13 choses que je sais d'elle : F.R.DAVID, Victoire Le Bars et Benjamin Thorelnº 43 — Un caractère : L'« écriture typographiée », Thierry Chancognenº 44 — Une énigme...
CAD 58.50
Arch + The Great Repair: Politics for a society of repair, A reader
A theoretical approach to repairing society from the perils of capitalism and overconsumption This collaborative project between ARCH+, Akademie der Künste, Berlin, ETH Zurich and the University of Luxembourg proposes a vision of societal repair based on practices of care,...
CAD 50.50
Polygone no.1 : Amour
CAD 54.95
Polygone no.1 : Amour
Dans un monde terreau de multiples scissions, ce second numéro explore les liens entre l’amour, l’architecture et la société, au travers de 400 pages unissant texte et représentation graphique. Du fantasme à la rupture, la structure éditoriale dessine les étapes...
CAD 54.95
Apartamento 32
CAD 30.00
Apartamento 32
Autumn / Winter 2023-24 Featuring: Marianna Rothen, Nona Gaprindashvili, Deanna & Ed Templeton, King Krule, Anthea Hamilton, John Divola, Wayne Ngan, Ruby Neri, Not Vital, Akwaeke Emezi, Louise Bonnet & Adam Silverman, Vincent Darré, Jago Rackham & Lowena Hearn,...
CAD 30.00
'A'A L'Architecture d'Aujourd'hui, Hors-série n.48: Atelier Pierre Thibault
Avant de se lancer dans tout « geste » architectural, Pierre Thibault étudie le milieu naturel dans lequel il va implanter son projet, tout autant qu’il se montre attentif aux besoins des usagers. Ça n’est pour lui pas une option...
CAD 24.00
Décor n° 03 : Trans
CAD 45.00
Décor n° 03 : Trans
La troisième livraison de la revue annuelle de l'École des Arts Décoratifs, placée sous le signe complexe et ambivalent de « TRANS », recouvrant les diverses manières de transgresser (l'identité, la textualité, le codage, la formation, etc.). Après un nom,...
CAD 45.00
Harvard Design Magazine 51
CAD 31.00
Harvard Design Magazine 51
Multihyphenation refers to alternate modes of creative production: “collab” culture, “brand X brand” projects, and multiple or even opaque styles of attribution and ownership among individuals, studios, and practices. For them, the body of work they produce matters more than...
CAD 31.00
Esse 110 : Agriculture
CAD 13.95
Esse 110 : Agriculture
Brisant les divisions sédimentées entre zones rurales et zones urbaines, ce numéro fait place aux imaginaires agricoles et aux relations entre les humains et la terre qui nous mettent au défi de repenser notre compréhension de l’agriculture, sa relation aux...
CAD 13.95
200 Plan Libre : Anatomie d'un journal d'architecture
Pour relater l’histoire collective du projet éditorial original, nous avons travaillé conjointement au sein de l’équipe de rédaction — constituée de la Maison de l’Architecture Occitanie—Pyrénées, MBL architectes et de l’atelier de graphisme Documents — pour prendre le temps de...
CAD 58.95
Plan L**** 207 : Étonner la catastrophe
CAD 16.00
Plan L**** 207 : Étonner la catastrophe
« Tenter, braver, persister, persévérer, être fidèle à soi-même, prendre corps à corps le destin, étonner la catastrophe par le peu de peur qu’elle nous fait, tantôt affronter la puissance injuste, tantôt insulter la victoire ivre, tenir bon, tenir tête...
CAD 16.00
Archivio: UCSC Centenary Edition
CAD 28.00
Archivio: UCSC Centenary Edition
This special edition was conceived on the occasion of the Centenary of the Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore, which relied on Promemoria to talk about its archives through a new perspective and an unusual format as proposed by the editorial...
CAD 28.00
El Croquis 224: Cristian Kerez
CAD 162.00
El Croquis 224: Cristian Kerez
This monographic issue examines a decade of recent work by acclaimed Swiss architect Christian Kerez. Presented are eighteen projects distributed around the globe, including the China Academy of Arts, Office Building Lyon Confluence, Textile Museum St. Gallen, high-rises in the...
CAD 162.00
El Croquis 225: Macias Peredo
CAD 162.00
El Croquis 225: Macias Peredo
The architects of Studio Macías Peredo, based in Guadalajara and led by Salvador Macías Corona, Magui Peredo Arenas, and Diego Quirarte Contreras, believe that the act of designing is inseparable from the act of remembering. Architecture is a living testimony...
CAD 162.00
PIN-UP 36: Under Construction
CAD 56.95
PIN-UP 36: Under Construction
Few things are more mind-bending than the process of building. During those messy stages of construction, every wall, column, and floor is anticipated as a step toward completion. But what if the job is never finished? In a world where...
CAD 56.95
Accattone #8
CAD 48.95
Accattone #8
Accattone #8 addresses matters of construction in relation to time, use, change and technical knowledge against the backdrop of the "negative commons" inherited from the productivist society of the past century—"zombie" habits, desires, products and processes that our contemporary condition...
CAD 48.95