Towards Home
A selection of books to accompany the exhibition ᐊᖏᕐᕋᒧᑦ / Ruovttu Guvlui / Towards Home, in our main galleries, from 11 June 2022 to 12 February 2023.
ᐊᖏᕐᕋᒧᑦ / Ruovttu Guvlui / Towards Home, an Indigenous-led exhibition and publication project, explores how Inuit, Sámi, and other communities across the Arctic are creating self-determined spaces. It is informed by the perspectives of a group of Inuit, Sámi, and settler co-curators who share the ambition to support northern Indigenous forms of sovereignty shaped by an understanding of the land as home. The project examines and celebrates practices of designing and building on the land that empower Indigenous communities.
INUA: Inuit Nunangat Ungammuaktut Atautikkut / Inuit Moving Forward Together
INUA: Inuit Nunangat Ungammuaktut Atautikkut / Inuit Moving Forward Together refers to the life force of all things. As an acronym, it also speaks to our collective vision for Qaumajuq as a place for Inuit to work together towards an...
CAD 56.00
Le droit au froid : Combat d'une femme pour protéger sa culture, l'Arctique et la planète
Il existe une autre façon de plaider pour la protection de notre planète: exiger de la communauté internationale la reconnaissance du bien-être environnemental comme un droit humain fondamental. Sans la jouissance d’un climat stable et sécuritaire, les peuples ne peuvent...
CAD 30.00
Shuvinai Ashoona: Mapping worlds
CAD 72.50
Shuvinai Ashoona: Mapping worlds
Shuvinai Ashoona is best known for her highly personal and imaginative iconographic art. In this catalogue spanning a twenty-year career, Ashoona’s imagery begins with closely observed naturalistic scenes of her Arctic home of Kinngait (formerly known as Cape Dorset), continuing...
CAD 72.50
Čatnosat: The Sámi Pavilion, Indigenous Art, Knowledge and Sovereignty, Biennale Pavilion Norway 2022
For the first time, Sámi artists will present their art and worldviews at the 2022 Venice Biennale as a sovereign call representing their homeland of Sápmi. The project for the Sámi Pavilion revolves around three key elements: transgenerational relations, holistic...
CAD 39.95
Duodji reader: Twelve essays on duodji by Sámi writers
''Duodji Reader'' is a selection of twelve essays on duodji by Sámi duojárat and writers from the past 60 years. The craft practices of Indigenous peoples from all over the world have been getting increased attention and appreciation globally over...
CAD 64.95
Qummut Qukiria! Art, culture, and sovereignty across Inuit Nunaat and Sápmi: Mobilizing the circumpolar North
Qummut Qukiria! celebrates art and culture within and beyond traditional Inuit and Sámi homelands in the Circumpolar Arctic — from the continuance of longstanding practices such as storytelling and skin sewing to the development of innovative new art forms such...
CAD 45.00
La porte sera débarrée
CAD 25.00
La porte sera débarrée
Vingt-cinq ans passent. Je retourne à Ivujivik. Je suis à nouveau envoûtée par la culture des Ivujivimmiut : les festins communautaires, les jeux qui animent les rassemblements, les sorties dans la toundra, l’entraide des familles, la déférence envers les personnes...
CAD 25.00
Décoloniser le Canada : Cinquante ans de militantisme autochtone
« Je ne souhaite pas célébrer un Canada qui vole nos terres. » Ainsi s’exprimait Arthur Manuel à la veille des célébrations du 150e anniversaire de la Confédération canadienne. Cette déclaration illustre bien le réveil autochtone actuel: il est temps...
CAD 30.00
Sila: Un conte groenlandais sur les changements cimatiques
Tulugaq veut partir à la découverte du monde et il veut aller loin. Ça ne lui suffit plus de juste voler au-dessus du terrain de jeu et autour de la maison d’Asiaq. Et même s’il a toujours vécu au Groenland,...
CAD 20.00
Water, kinship, belief. Toronto Biennale of Art 2022
The inaugural Toronto Biennial of Art in 2019, titled The Shoreline Dilemma, was the first edition of a two-part biennial that traced interconnected narratives around the city’s ever-changing shoreline. These connections sought to reveal strategies of resistance against industrial-colonial systems,...
CAD 39.00
I am Inuit
CAD 74.00
I am Inuit
Arctic communities are faced with powerful forces bringing pressures on Inuit culture and society. Global climate change is having a profound impact on the Arctic, its sensitive ecosystem and the communities that rely upon the region’s natural resources. The impacts...
CAD 74.00
Itee Pootoogook: Hymns to the silence
CAD 45.00
Itee Pootoogook: Hymns to the silence
Itee Pootoogook belonged to a new generation of Inuit artists who are transforming and reshaping the creative traditions that were successfully pioneered by their parents and grandparents in the second half of the 20th century. A meticulous draughtsman who...
CAD 45.00
Mii lea "davi govvádallan"? Ehtalaš prinsihpat
Oarjemáilmmi dáiddárat ja čállit leat govvádallan ja ovdanbuktán Davviriikkaid jahkečuđiid čađa, mii lea dagahan ahte, logijagiid suksessiva akkumulašuvnnain diskurssaiguin, leat ráhkaduvvon “davi govvádallamat” - mat vulget “Davvin” Skandinávias, Ruonáeatnamis ja Ruoššas, “davvi allagassii” dahje Davvináhpái. Oarjemáilmmálaččat leat johtán davvináhpái beare...
CAD 20.00
Qu'est-ce que l'imaginaire du Nord ? Principes éthiques
Le Nord est un espace imaginé et représenté depuis des siècles par les artistes et les écrivains du monde occidental, ce qui a mené, au fil du temps et de l'accumulation successive de couches de discours, à la création d'un...
CAD 20.00
Let the river flow: An eco-indigenous uprising and its legacies in art and politics
The People's Action against the Nordic Áltá-Guovdageaidnu Waterway radically shook the course of history in the region. Its call to "let the river live" clamored against the construction of a large dam across the Alltáeatnu river in Norway. The action...
CAD 38.50
Lo-TEK. Design by Radical Indigenism
CAD 66.95
Lo-TEK. Design by Radical Indigenism
Three hundred years ago, intellectuals of the European Enlightenment constructed a mythology of technology. Influenced by a confluence of humanism, colonialism, and racism, this mythology ignored local wisdom and indigenous innovation, deeming it primitive. Today, we have slowly come to...
CAD 66.95
Our voices II: The de-colonial project
CAD 40.00
Our voices II: The de-colonial project
Our Voices II: the DE-Colonial Project will showcase decolonizing projects which work to destable and disquiet colonial built environments. The land, towns, and cities on which we live have always been Indigenous places yet, for the most part our Indigenous...
CAD 40.00
Je veux que les Inuit soient libres de nouveau
Chasseur, pêcheur, trappeur et homme politique, Taamusi Qumaq (1914-1993) est considéré comme l’un des grands penseurs des Inuit du Nunavik. Il a consacré sa vie à consigner, à l’écrit, la vie des siens ainsi que leur langue – et il s’est...
CAD 25.00
SakKijâjuk : Art et artisanat du Nunatsiavut
Le Nunatsiavut, région inuite du Canada qui possède une administration autonome depuis 2005, a une production artistique à part dans le monde de l’art canadien et de l’art inuit circumpolaire. Population inuite la plus méridionale au monde, le peuple côtier...
CAD 45.00
SakKijâjuk : Art and craft From Nunatsiavut
Nunatsiavut, the Inuit region of Canada that achieved self-government in 2005, produces art that is distinct within the world of Canadian and circumpolar Inuit art. The world's most southerly population of Inuit, the coastal people of Nunatsiavut have always lived...
CAD 45.00
Contre le colonialisme dopé aux stéroïdes : Le combat des Inuit du Québec pour leurs terres ancestrales
Pour les Québécois, le projet hydroélectrique de la Baie-James, lancé en 1971, a marqué le point culminant de la Révolution tranquille. C’était la prise de possession, physique et symbolique, de l’ensemble du territoire sur lequel le peuple du Québec était...
CAD 18.95
Kisimi Taimaippaktut Angirrarijarani / Only in My Hometown
Sisters Angnakuluk Friesen and Ippiksaut Friesen collaborate on this story about what it’s like to grow up in an Inuit community in Nunavut. Every line about the hometown in this book will have readers thinking about what makes their own...
CAD 18.95
Blueprint for a hack: Leveraging informal building practices
This publication aims to reimagine community spaces. Faced with extreme housing shortages, physical isolation, and a challenging climate, outdoor public spaces in northern communities remain largely undesigned and underused. These ‘in-between’ spaces are strewn with stuff. Most housing and civic...
CAD 40.00
Sámi media and Indigenous agency in the Arctic North
In Sámi Media and Indigenous Agency in the Arctic North, Thomas DuBois and Coppélie Cocq examine how Sámi people of Norway, Finland, and Sweden use media to advance a social, cultural, and political agenda anchored in notions of cultural continuity...
CAD 45.00
D'horizons et d'estuaires : Entres mémoires et créations autochtones
D’horizons et d’estuaires : entre mémoires et créations autochtones est une collection d’essais réunissant les voix de 16 artistes, commissaires, historien·ne·s de l’art et travailleur·se·s culturel·le·s autochtones, tant francophones qu’anglophones, oeuvrant dans les territoires que l’on nomme Québec. Faisant suite à...
CAD 27.95
Tunirrusiangit: Kenojuak Ashevak and Tim Pitsiulak
Kenojuak Ashevak shot to fame in 1970 when Canada Post printed The Enchanted Owl, a print of a black-and-red plumed nocturnal bird, on a postage stamp. She later became known as the magic-marker-wielding "grandmother of Inuit art," famous for her fluid graphic...
CAD 45.00
A treaty guide for Torontonians
CAD 35.00
A treaty guide for Torontonians
Part of Jumblies Theatre & Arts’s multi-year Talking Treaties project, A Treaty Guide for Torontonians is an artful examination of the complex intercultural roots of treaty relationships in the place we now call Toronto. Scholarly and historical research is complemented...
CAD 35.00
Scapegoat 12/13: c\a\n\a\d\a
CAD 30.00
Scapegoat 12/13: c\a\n\a\d\a
Issue 12/13, 2020/2021: canada: delineating nation state capitalism aims to connect two critical discourses about space that have so far been disassociated: architectural theories that point to the importance of real property as the fundamental unit of urban morphology and...
CAD 30.00
Croc fendu
CAD 15.95
Croc fendu
Elle grandit au Nunavut dans les années 1970. Elle connaît la joie, l'amitié, l'amour des parents, l'art du camouflage et de la survie. Elle connaît l'ennui et l'intimidation. Elle connaît les ravages de l'alcool, la violence sourde, le courage d'aimer...
CAD 15.95
Voices of the land : Indigenous design and planning from the prairies
Voices of the land: Indigenous design and planning from the prairies is produced by the Indigenous Design and Planning Students' Association (IDPSA) of the Faculty of Architecture at the University of Manitoba. IDPSA was founded in Fall 2019, as a platform...
CAD 25.00
Unikaangit : Légendes inuites
CAD 19.00
Unikaangit : Légendes inuites
Créé dans le cadre d’un projet de Fusion Jeunesse au Nunavik et réalisé par Anorak Studio, ce recueil de sept légendes présente des oeuvres dessinées en partie par des élèves de l’école Innalik d’Inukjuak. Histoires porteuses de sens pour les...
CAD 19.00
Hunter with harpoon
CAD 19.95
Hunter with harpoon
Published fifty years ago under the title Harpoon of the Hunter, Markoosie Patsauq's novel helped establish the genre of Indigenous fiction in Canada. This new English translation unfolds the story of Kamik, a young hero who comes to manhood while...
CAD 19.95
Chasseur au harpon
CAD 19.95
Chasseur au harpon
En pleine tempête de neige, un ours polaire attaque un campement inuit et éviscère de nombreux chiens. Convaincus que l'animal est malade et qu'il s'en prendra de nouveau aux leurs, des chasseurs se lancent à sa poursuite au péril de...
CAD 19.95
Journey North: The Inuit Art Centre Project
To commemorate the official opening of the Inuit Art Centre, now named Qaumajuq, Winnipeg Art Gallery director and CEO, Dr. Stephen Borys, set out to share the story of this extraordinary museum and building project. His book, Journey North: The...
CAD 65.00
Slow disturbance: infrastructural mediation on the settler colonial resource frontier
From the late nineteenth through most of the twentieth century, the evangelical Protestant Grenfell Mission in Newfoundland and Labrador, Canada, created a network of hospitals, schools, orphanages, stores, and industries with the goal of bringing health and organized society to...
CAD 35.95
Inuit clothing
CAD 14.95
Inuit clothing
Let's look at Inuit clothing! This book features high-contrast images of traditional and modern Inuit clothing, such as parkas, kamiit, and amautiit. Inhabit Education is a Nunavut-based educational publishing company with a mandate to provide educators and parents with...
CAD 14.95
The polar world
CAD 4.95
The polar world
The Polar World combines fantasy and reality: giant squids, hybrids, and humanoid figures dance across Shuvinai Ashoona’s sensual vistas, lending a surreal quality to her work. Springing her imagination but rooted in the landscape of her Kinngait home, The Polar...
CAD 4.95
Corneille apporte la lumière
CAD 14.95
Corneille apporte la lumière
Cette légende autochtone est un conte inuit que nous proposons en version française et en dialecte inuktitut. Selon la légende, Corneille traverse l’obscurité afin d’apporter la lumière aux Inuits. L’oiseau s’empare d’une boule de lumière magique et offre ainsi aux...
CAD 14.95
ᐊᖏᕐᕋᒧᑦ / Ruovttu Guvlui / Towards Home: Inuit and Sámi Placemaking
ᐊᖏᕐᕋᒧᑦ (angirramut) in Inuktitut or ruovttu guvlui in North Sámi mean “towards home.” To move towards home is to reflect on where Sámi people and Inuit find home, on what their connections to their lands means, and on what these relationships could...
CAD 35.00