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51N4E: Double or nothing
CAD 49.95
51N4E: Double or nothing
51N4E is a Brussels-based architectural practice led by Johan Anrys, Freek Persyn and Peter Swinnen. Founded in 1998, it has drawn increasing attention and renown through projects for the C-mine cultural centre in Genk, the Groeningemuseum and the TID Tower...
CAD 49.95
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Homecoming: Contextualizing, materializing and practicing the rural in China
Young Chinese architects are designing compelling alternatives to China's rapid urbanization between tradition and the future. Homecoming presents work by an emerging generation of Chinese architects that uses unique design and working approaches to resist generic mass construction and foreign...
CAD 49.95
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How Things Meet: 51n4e, Falma Fshazi, Stefano Graziani
Brussels-based 51N4E deal with matters of architectural design, concept development, and strategic spatial transformations. Headed by Johan Anrys and Freek Persyn, the office was founded in 1998 and aspires to contribute to social and urban transformation. This photo-novel tells the...
CAD 80.00
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Open architecture
CAD 64.00
Open architecture
La collection Open-A a pour ambition majeure d’explorer le potentiel de réinterprétation lié à l’histoire et à la théorie en architecture. En d’autres termes, Open-A vise à parcourir les récits des époques antérieures, de construire de nouvelles associations, de faire émerger de nouveaux concepts,...
CAD 64.00
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Messico 1935/1956: Josef Albers
CAD 39.00
Messico 1935/1956: Josef Albers
Unpublished photographs taken by Josef Albers during his travels to Mexico with Anni in the 1930s and 50s.   Josef and Anni Albers began their travels to Mexico in 1935, drawn to a country very unlike the United States. They...
CAD 39.00
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Construire Bruxelles: architectures et espaces urbains, 44 projets en Europe
À l’instar de toutes les métropoles européennes, Bruxelles fait face à de grands défis urbains et sociaux : démographie et flux migratoires, économie urbaine, mobilité, équipements publics. De Copenhague à Tirana, de Londres à Madrid, en passant par Milan, Zurich, Lyon...
CAD 62.00
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BIG, Formgiving
CAD 66.95
BIG, Formgiving
With Formgiving, BIG presents the third part of its trilogy, which began with Yes is More, and continued with Hot to Cold. The book is presented in a timeline, stretching from the Big Bang into the most distant future. Projects...
CAD 66.95
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Les variations de l'identité : le type en architecture
Première traduction française de l’essai fondateur de l’architecte espagnol sur le type en architecture. Après avoir déjà traduit en 2019 un autre livre – Silencios elocuentes – du même auteur, les éditions Cosa Mentale veulent continuer à rendre possible la découverte...
CAD 53.00
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Feminist art activisms and artivisms
‘Feminisms’ (as a plural) is widely used today to draw attention to inequalities and to critique the status quo in limiting women’s roles/ positions/ lives/ potential. Art can offer a vision of future worlds, manifesting a desire for projecting change,...
CAD 49.00
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Histoire naturelle de l'architecture : comment le climat, les épidémies et et l’énergie ont façonné la ville et les bâtiments
Pourquoi notre nature homéotherme a donné naissance à l’architecture ? Comment le blé a engendré la ville ? Comment les petits pois ont fait s'élever les cathédrales gothiques ? Ce que les dômes doivent à la peur de l'air stagnant...
CAD 58.95
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Paths to prison: on the architecture of carcerality
As Angela Y. Davis has proposed, the "path to prison," which so disproportionately affects communities of color, is most acutely guided by the conditions of daily life. Architecture, then, as fundamental to shaping these conditions of civil existence, must be...
CAD 25.95
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Institution as Praxis: New curatorial directions for collaborative research
Institution as Praxis explores new curatorial and artistic practices that contribute to the expansion of institutional, practice-based, and collaborative research methods. Offering an overview of how creative practices are modifying the ways we think about both knowledge production and research in...
CAD 34.95
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Thomas Demand: House of card
CAD 75.00
Thomas Demand: House of card
Published on the occasion of a solo exhibition of Thomas Demand’s work at Belgium museum M Leuven in October 2020, this book focuses on Demand’s relationship to architecture and his engagement with architects over almost fifteen years. The starting point...
CAD 75.00
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Le système Minard : Anthologie des représentations statistiques de Charles-Joseph Minard
Pionnier en matière de représentation de données statistiques, l’ingénieur français en génie civil Charles-Joseph Minard a fait de ses cartes et tableaux des outils permettant de comprendre les bouleversements sociaux et économiques qui transforment l’Europe et le reste du monde...
CAD 67.95
CAD 39.95
Ouvrage collectif consacré à l'analyse des pavillons d'exposition (expositions universelles, biennales) du point de vue de leur architecture, croisant les contributions de designers et architectes, d'historiens, de philosophes et esthéticiens.   Qu'il s'agisse, entre autres exemples, du Pavillon France réalisé par l'architecte Jean-Paul Viguier...
CAD 39.95
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Ness 3: What's an object?
CAD 27.00
Ness 3: What's an object?
In the Browser section, cultural player Agustin Schang interviews Matevz Čelik Vidmar, founder of the Future Architecture Platform; Berlin-based artist Sarah Entwistle shares personal musings in working with her grandfather's archive; Brazilian architect Carla Juaçaba talks about the lightness, transparency,...
CAD 27.00
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Vibrant matter: a political ecology of things
In Vibrant Matter, political theorist Jane Bennett, renowned for her work on nature, ethics, and affect, shifts her focus from the human experience of things to things themselves. Bennett argues that political theory needs to do a better job of...
CAD 32.95
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The responsible object: a history of the design ideology for the future
Within the design discipline, calls for sustainability and social responsibility have become some of the most common rallying cries of the past decade, generating countless new products, materials and technologies—all designed to change the course of our future. Adjectives like...
CAD 39.50
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AD Designing the rural: a global countryside in Flux
The rural is not what it used to be. No longer simply a site for agricultural production for the city, the relationship between the rural and urban has become much more complex. Where is the rural, and what role does...
CAD 47.00
A+T: Is this rural? Architecture markers in the countryside
What do we call rural architecture? This new series questions what we recognise as the rural context in architecture, the limits of which are becoming increasingly diffuse today. The first instalment identifies projects consisting of a range of scales, each...
CAD 49.95
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Waste (object lessons)
CAD 21.50
Waste (object lessons)
Though we try to imagine otherwise, waste is every object, plus time. Whatever else an object is, it's also waste-or was, or will be. All that is needed is time or a change of sentiment or circumstance. Waste is not...
CAD 21.50
Écrits climatiques
Depuis l'Hormonorium à la Biennale de Venise de 2002, où les Lausannois Décosterd & Rahm avaient rafraîchi la lagune par un climat artificiel des Alpes, le néomodernisme de Philippe Rahm s'est maintes fois reconfiguré. Les premiers effets du réchauffement climatique...
CAD 22.00
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The Living Museums: Franco Albini, BBPR, Lina Bo Bardi, Carlo Scarpa
L'historienne de l'architecture Orietta Lanzarini analyse quatre musées construits entre les années 1940 et 1960, conçus par quatre des architectes italiens les plus avant-gardistes du XXe siècle. Avec des approches et des stratégies différentes, Franco Albini, BBPR, Lina Bo Bardi...
CAD 44.00
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Transbordeur n.05 : Photographie et design
Le cinquième numéro de Transbordeur explore l’histoire des relations entre photographie et design du XIXeau XXIe siècle. Différentes thématiques sont abordées : la photographie du design et le rôle de la photographie dans les publications liées à ce champ ;...
CAD 54.95
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Thought by hand: The architecture of Flores and Prats
Argentinian architect Ricardo Flores and Spanish architect Eva Prats began their artistic partnership with the foundation of their studio in Barcelona in 1998. Since its conception, Flores & Prats has operated according to a design ethos that fuses craft with...
CAD 49.00
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Proxemics and the architecture of social interaction
Architecture is a constant presence in the study of human interaction- acting as both the ground on which human social behavior is performed and a means of shaping subjectivity itself. ''Proxemics'' was an attempt to visualize and instrumentalize these dynamics,...
CAD 30.00
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Architecture without architects
CAD 37.50
Architecture without architects
Bernard Rudofsky steps outside the narrowly defined discipline that has governed our sense of architectural history and discusses the art of building as a universal phenomenon. He introduces the reader to communal architecture--architecture produced not by specialists but by the...
CAD 37.50
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Participation is risky: approaches to joint creative processes
Equated with notions of public interaction, the term "participation" is often used very loosely, especially within the contexts of new media and innovation research. Among a recent generation of artists and designers working in new media, there is an increasing...
CAD 39.50
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Civic City : notes pour le design d'une ville sociale, cahiers 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6
Quel est le rôle du design dans la production de l’espace urbain ? Le design souhaite-t-il n’être qu’un élément de la colonisation mercantile des espaces sociaux ? Le design est-il capable de bâtir une ville citoyenne sur les ruines idéologiques...
CAD 45.95
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The rural
CAD 33.95
The rural
An investigation through texts, interviews, and documentation of the complex relationship between the urban, the rural, and contemporary cultural production. What, and where, is “the Rural”? From the rocks that break a farmer's plough on a field in Japan to...
CAD 33.95
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Rewriting architecture: 10 + 1 actions for an adaptive architecture
Contemporary thinkers from Hito Steyerl to Atelier Bow-Wow explore how architecture can adapt to- rather than replace- the existing built environment.   This volume considers existing urban contexts as an opportunity to use the potential of place, and the creativity...
CAD 55.50
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Reform! Essays on the political economy of urban form Vol. 4
Forget revolution – it’s time for reform. As the authors of this essay collection argue, sometimes the most effective path to meaningful change is to work within existing institutions and slowly, surely, push for it. This is all the more...
CAD 22.95
Superstudio Migrazioni
Débutée en 1966, l’aventure du groupe d’avant-garde Superstudio a mené ses membres à spéculer sur les façons d’habiter ce monde « rond et qui tourne ». Superstudio Migrazioni offre une nouvelle perspective sur l'œuvre du groupe, décrite comme "radicale" par...
CAD 86.95
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The intimacy of making: three historical sites in Korea
Swiss French photographer Hélène Binet takes us on a visual journey through a world of stone, walls and gardens that define and celebrate the Korean art of making. In pure and calm photographs, The Intimacy of Making captures the traditional...
CAD 91.00
fig. n.06 : antithèse
Dans la continuité du dernier numéro consacré à l’oxymore, fig. décide de prolonger les réflexions sur les notions de contraire et de contradiction dont notre époque déborde, à travers ce nouveau numéro consacré à l'antithèse.   Attendez-vous de l’architecture qu’elle...
CAD 45.00
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Real Review 10
CAD 19.50
Real Review 10
We can't go back, but we don't want to. Nor can we go on like this much longer. What will emerge from such a transitional phase, when the civic body is so lacking in health (physical, moral, political and economic)?...
CAD 19.50
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Pairs 01
CAD 20.00
Pairs 01
Pairs is a student-led journal at the Harvard GSD dedicated to conversations about design that are down to earth and unguarded. Each issue is conceptualized by an editorial team that proposes guests and objects to be in dialogue with one another. Pairs is...
CAD 20.00
Manifest 3: Bigger than big
What does it mean to grapple with the immensity of the continent itself? For the third issue, Manifesto aims to highlight propositions that have taken seriously the 'bigger than big'—design and representational experiments aimed at narrating, framing, or enacting the...
CAD 31.50
Log 50, Fall 2020
From the economic to the political, from public health to the climate, models seem to run the world. In architecture, the model is no longer just a physical tool for conceptualizing or representing architects’ visions but must also encompass digital...
CAD 25.00
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El Croquis 206: Studio Anne Holtrop, 2009-2020
Dutch architect Anne Holtrop started his own practice in 2009 and completed his first two major projects in 2015, Museum Fort Vechten in the Netherlands and the National Pavilion of the Kingdom of Bahrain. In some of his works, form...
CAD 130.95
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Dixit n.01 : Hyperconfort, Bruther & Laurent Stalder
Premier numéro de la revue critique d'architecture publiée par Cosa Mentale, dans lequel les voix de l'agence d'architecture Bruther et de Laurent Stalder, professeur en Histoire de l'architecture à L'ETH, se confrontent autour du thème de l'« hyperconfort ».   Doit-on sortir...
CAD 23.00
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Architects after architecture: alternative pathways for practice
What can you do with a degree in architecture? Where might it take you? What kind of challenges could you address? Architects After Architecture reframes architecture as a uniquely versatile way of acting on the world, far beyond that of...
CAD 47.00
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What seems random usually isn't
CAD 75.00
What seems random usually isn't
In the words of Douglas Coupland, KNOWING EVERYTHING TURNS OUT TO BE SLIGHTLY BORING, and A LACK OF SHAME IS RESISTANCE. From big data to democracy, his ongoing slogan series presents the topics of our times with bracing, provocative wit...
CAD 75.00
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Slow disturbance: infrastructural mediation on the settler colonial resource frontier
From the late nineteenth through most of the twentieth century, the evangelical Protestant Grenfell Mission in Newfoundland and Labrador, Canada, created a network of hospitals, schools, orphanages, stores, and industries with the goal of bringing health and organized society to...
CAD 35.95
The Funambulist n.35 : Decolonial ecologies
In the issue’s “News From the Fronts,” Shamsher Singh provides a Sikh perspective on the massive farmer strike from Punjab to Delhi, Sara Salem reflects on the legacies of colonialism in the Netherlands, and Panashe Chigumadzi & Hopewell Chin’ono converse on the struggle against corruption and...
CAD 19.95
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Superposition, n.1: Hardcore home
CAD 65.95
Superposition, n.1: Hardcore home
Superposition is a periodical, investigating the human side of architecture. Based in Europe and founded in 2020 by a group of architects and artists – Leo Bettini Oberkalmsteiner, Tibor Bielicky, Max Creasy, Ellena Ehrl and Dominic Kim – ''Superposition'' is...
CAD 65.95
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Pli n.06 : Minimal et maximal
CAD 60.00
Pli n.06 : Minimal et maximal
Le minimal décrit ce qui atteint son plus bas degré ; quant au maximal, il incarne la valeur la plus haute, l'échelon maximum. Pour autant, le minimal décrit-il un effacement, ou une épure extrême ? Face à cela, doit-on considérer ce...
CAD 60.00
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Shim-Sutcliffe, The architecture of Point William: A laboratory for living.
Shim-Sutcliffe's work at Point William intertwines landscape and architecture with ancient rock and water reshaping and reimagining a site on the Canadian Shield over two decades. Found conditions and new buildings are interwoven and choreographed to create a rich spatial...
CAD 65.00
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The Modern architecture of Cadaqués: 1955–71
Inspired by the early style of Corbusier and ideas on Mediterranean architecture espoused by the likes of Bernard Rudofsky and Josep Lluís Sert, a younger generation of architects found the perfect conditions to explore the future of the Mediterranean house...
CAD 82.00
MOS Casa no. 1-17
This volume presents seventeen houses designed by the New York studio MOS Architects. "It is an article of faith for MOS that the house is like a small city. MOS think urbanistically through the architectural scale, insisting that even the...
CAD 30.00
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