D'après maquettes
Les maquettes ont des usages multiples et précieux pour construire l'exposition, elles sont des outils de conception, d'imagination et de vérification. Légères dans leur manipulation, elles mettent en jeu le regard, la main et l'ensemble du corps, en multipliant les...
CAD 56.95
Archive of forgetfulness
Archive of Forgetfulness is a catalogue of the pan-African digital exhibition and podcast series which ran from September 2020 and December 2021 at archiveofforgetfulness.com. The publication acts as a physical translation of the collection of work online, and opens up...
CAD 34.00
Not available
Journal Superposition, issue 2 : Workout
Founded in 2020 by a group of architects, the story behind Superposition's title is as follows: ‘Super connotes the extraordinary in a positive sense. Position refers equally to a spatial, a temporal and an intellectual emplacement.'   After a debut...
CAD 65.95
Peter Märkli: Dessins, disegni
L'œuvre « dessinée » de Peter Märkli peut être étudiée indépendamment de son œuvre construite. Parfois, on retrouve ces dessins dans ses œuvres réalisées mais, en général, il s'agit plutôt de projets ou plus précisément de thèmes de projets en puissance. Pour...
CAD 96.95
Paris postmoderne : Architectures 1973-93
Sous la direction de Jean-Louis Violeau, sociologue à l'ENSA Nantes et enseignant à l'école urbaine de Sciences po Paris, chercheur au CRENAU-CNRS Si le mouvement postmoderne en architecture a désormais « fait son temps », ici délimité par les années...
CAD 86.00
Coco Capitan: Casa Dali
Casa Dalí opens up Salvador Dalí’s home on the shores of Spain’s Costa Brava, with photos by Coco Capitán offering a rare glimpse of the artist’s surreal house and workshop. Purchased by Dalí in the early 1930s, the house served as the artist’s primary residence...
CAD 84.00
The monster Leviathan: Anarchitecture
Lurking under the surface of our modern world lies an unseen architecture—or anarchitecture. It is a possible architecture, an analogous architecture, an architecture of anarchy, which haunts in the form of monsters that are humans and machines and cities all...
CAD 59.00
De l'eau jusqu'au nombril
De 1973 à 1978, le groupe d’architectes, artistes et designers Ant Farm, composé d’une dizaine de membres, a travaillé à la conception d’une plateforme marine destinée à communiquer avec les dauphins. Il ne s’agissait pas seulement de les observer mais...
CAD 14.95
Architecture Simple : La Villa Baizeau à Carthage de Le Corbusier et Jeanneret
Les questions sociales, économiques, constructives, environnementales et climatiques qui, au début du XXIe siècle, ont remis en question les fondements du projet d'architecture, constituent l'arrière-plan théorique des événements consacrés à la villa que Le Corbusier et Pierre Jeanneret ont construite...
CAD 88.95
La traversée de ma bibliothèque
Un livre d'aventure, écrite et dessinée, de Luca Merlini qui nous emmène au plus près du processus créatif de l'architecte et du parallèle qu'il est possible de tisser avec la littérature, mettant en lumière la question du livre et son...
CAD 56.95
Real Review 15
It isn’t the representation of violence in the Gaza Strip that is so disturbing; it is the absence of representation. The grief and despair of a child is penetratingly real. The extreme realism of these events has now driven a...
CAD 22.50
Not available
Giancarlo De Carlo: Experiments in thickness
Giancarlo de Carlo first visited Urbino in 1951 to carry out a minor refurbishment of the offices of the rector of the University. This was the beginning of his lifetime engagement with the small town where he continued working over...
CAD 69.95
Not available
'A'A L'Architecture d'Aujourd'hui, Hors-série n.48: Atelier Pierre Thibault
Avant de se lancer dans tout « geste » architectural, Pierre Thibault étudie le milieu naturel dans lequel il va implanter son projet, tout autant qu’il se montre attentif aux besoins des usagers. Ça n’est pour lui pas une option...
CAD 24.00
The autonomous city: A history of urban squatting. 2nd edition
The Autonomous City is the first popular history of squatting as practised in Europe and North America. Alex Vasudevan retraces the struggle for housing in Amsterdam, Berlin, Copenhagen, Detroit, Hamburg, London, Madrid, Milan, New York, and Vancouver. He looks at...
CAD 39.95
Feminist city: a field guide
Leslie Kern wants your city to be feminist. An intrepid feminist geographer, Kern combines memoir, theory, pop culture, and geography in this collection of essays that invites the reader to think differently about city spaces and city life. From the...
CAD 22.95
Not available
The social life of small urban spaces
In 1980, William H. Whyte published the findings from his revolutionary Street Life Project in The Social Life of Small Urban Spaces. Both the book and the accompanying film were instantly labeled classics, and launched a mini-revolution in the planning...
CAD 43.00
Field notes on scarcity. Sharjah Architecture Triennial 2023
The scarcity of resources in all forms is commonly portrayed in a negative light. Yet these conditions—which have long been a reality in many extreme climate conditions across the global South and are increasingly becoming a global reality—often stimulate an...
CAD 47.95
Not available
Not available
Attitudes: MVRDV
CAD 110.00
Attitudes: MVRDV
Co-edited by MVRDV founding partner Jacob van Rijs and MVRDV partner Jan Knikker, this book presents twenty-five recently completed projects in Europe, North America, and Asia.Among these projects are several that show the potentials of reuse and transformation, such as...
CAD 110.00
Manual of biogenic house sections
Organized by those materials (wood, bamboo, straw, hemp, cork, earth, brick, stone and re-use), and incorporating life cycle diagrams demonstrating how the raw material is processed into building components, the book shows how the unique properties of each material can...
CAD 53.95
Not available
João Gomes da Silva: The order of landscape
The Order of Landscape presents a powerful insight into the work of a forefront figure in contemporary landscape architecture, João Gomes da Silva. Through an extensive duotone photo essay by João Carmo Simões, a collection of texts and a set...
CAD 79.95
Not available
Critical coast. Coastal Imaginaries: Danish Pavillion, Venice Biennale 2023
'Critical Coast' is a cross-disciplinary reader that explores the ecologies and spaces of coastal landscapes, the urgencies of contemporary coastlands, and diachronic ideas about coastal futures. In continuation of the exhibition 'Coastal Imaginaries' curated by Josephine Michau in the Danish...
CAD 100.00
Not available
Colonial toxicity: Rehearsing French radioactive architecture and landscape in the Sahara
In the 1960s the French colonial regime detonated four atmospheric atomic bombs, thirteen underground nuclear bombs, and conducted other nuclear experiments in the Algerian Sahara. This secret, still-classified programme occurred during and after the Algerian War (1954–1962). Meticulously culled together...
CAD 60.00
Architecture de la contre-révolution : L'armée française dans le nord de l'Algérie
Nourri d’une longue enquête et de documents souvent inédits, Architecture de la contre-révolution est une analyse des politiques d’architecture et d’urbanisme mises en œuvre par l’État colonial français pendant la longue guerre d’indépendance algérienne.   Entre 1954 et 1962, les autorités civiles...
CAD 54.95
Not available
Histoire naturelle de l'architecture : Comment le climat, les épidémies et l'énergie ont façonné la ville et les bâtiments
En quoi la nécessité pour l’être humain de maintenir la température du corps à 37 °C engendre-t-elle l’apparition de l’architecture ? Comment un simple grenier à blé devient-il la ville ? Pourquoi l’iode a-t-il provoqué l’urbanisation du littoral ?  ...
CAD 24.95
Not available
200 Plan Libre : Anatomie d'un journal d'architecture
Pour relater l’histoire collective du projet éditorial original, nous avons travaillé conjointement au sein de l’équipe de rédaction — constituée de la Maison de l’Architecture Occitanie—Pyrénées, MBL architectes et de l’atelier de graphisme Documents — pour prendre le temps de...
CAD 58.95
L'art d'accomoder les restes
Que peut l’architecture à l’ère de l’Anthropocène? A-t-elle l’énergie de se saisir de l’occasion pour faire autrement et, ce faisant, de construire d’autres histoires? L’acte de transformation négocie avec l’idée de pertes. Le face-à-face de l’architecte avec celles-ci est continu et...
CAD 43.00
Brutalist Paris
Brutalist Paris is the result of many journeys, from the Parisian centre to its outer peripheries, and situates Brutalism within the broader social, political and cultural context of Paris, including its appearance in film and television. It describes Brutalism’s successes...
CAD 40.00
Les Hespérides
« Aujourd’hui naît toujours d’hier » : il n’existe guère de sentence plus post-moderne. Il subsiste pourtant bel et bien un trou noir dans l’histoire de l’architecture récente, celle de la fin du XXe siècle, qui correspond précisément à l’affirmation d’une architecture « post-moderne ». Lui...
CAD 30.00
10 Minutes: Architects and designers in conversation
24 entretiens menés par Stephanie Davidson avec des architectes et designer·euses de 15 pays, à propos de leur relation aux matériaux et de comment cela informe sur la place de l’architecture et du design dans la société. Les questions d'économie,...
CAD 45.95
Histories of ecological design: an unfinished cyclopedia
There have been many accounts on the history of ecology and others on the migration of ecological thought to design and architecture practice. Yet, the work of a focused and expanded history of ecological design is much needed. This book...
CAD 54.95
The art of architectural grafting
Jeanne Gang proposes applying the plant cultivation technique of grafting to architecture and urban design as a way of rethinking adaptive reuse and combatting climate change. Grafting is the process of connecting two separate living plants—one old and one new—so...
CAD 58.00
Not available
Small Practices: In conversation with Malaysian & Japanese Architects
Small Practices : In Conversation with Malaysian and Japanese Architects provides an intimate look into how small practices find their niche and pursue their passion in a field that is often perceived as aggressive and vigorous. Noorul Fadzlee Khamis, a...
CAD 54.95
Not available
L’art de greffer en architecture : Utilité et désir à l'ère de la sobriété
L'architecte Jeanne Gang explore comment la pratique horticole de la greffe peut inspirer un nouveau paradigme pour la conception durable.  Jeanne Gang propose d'appliquer la technique de culture végétale de la greffe à l'architecture et à l'urbanisme afin de repenser...
CAD 58.00
Petra Blaisse: Art applied. Inside, Outside
This retrospective of the oeuvre of Petra Blaisse and her acclaimed studio Inside Outside presents a kaleidoscopic view of their work across interior, exhibition, and landscape design over the course of more than three decades. Rather than working solely on...
CAD 125.00
Everything XI-XV. Everything without content 232
This book chronicles the third academic year of the studio led by Kersten Geers, Jelena Pancevac, Guido Tesio and Fabrizio Ballabio at the Academy of Architecture USI in Mendrisio. Stemming from the idea of ‘large form’ and the built environment...
CAD 72.00
Not available
Not available
African water cities
CAD 72.50
African water cities
A multipronged study of Africa’s innovative approaches to communal living in the face of climate change and urbanization. This volume presents essays, stories, research and photographs showing how African cities by waterfronts deal with two of the most significant trends of...
CAD 72.50
Archithese reader: Critical positions in search of postmodernity 1971-1976
This publication presents a selection of ground-breaking contributions, grouped thematically in a new way, which originally appeared in the journal archithese, accompanied by critical essays by contemporary authors.   Located in its specific context – the heterogeneous and turbulent landscape...
CAD 126.95
Not available
5468796 Architecture: Platform. MIDDLE
Research on multifamily housing and its impact on the daily lives of ordinary people, from a leading Canadian architectural firm   These four slipcased volumes build on 5468796 Architecture’s housing manifesto “Add via Edit: A Decade in Housing”, the symposium...
CAD 79.00
Not available
Kaki Lima Stories: Life in the five-foot ways of Downtown Kuala Lumpur
Five-foot ways, or 'kaki-lima,' are a prominent feature of historical urban centers in tropical Southeast Asian cities. In the hot and humid urban center, these colonnades along the rows of commercial shophouses provide comfortable pedestrian walkways. It is frequently considered...
CAD 45.00
Not available
Not available
Décoloniser l'architecture
CAD 42.95
Décoloniser l'architecture
L’avènement d’une société écologique ne peut passer que par une refonte majeure de nos manières de concevoir et de bâtir. Cependant, les logiques de mise en ordre du monde dont l’architecture a hérité la rendent difficilement conciliable avec une véritable...
CAD 42.95
Agonistic assemblies: On the spatial politics of horizontality
A call for a revised form of spatial politics. This anthology presents work on cultures of assembly. It stresses the relevance of small-scale and decentralized spatial formats of local knowledge production to community building and embedded political decision-making in the context...
CAD 38.95
Not available
Inventer l'école, penser la co-création
Une publication de l'artiste et enseignante-chercheuse Marie Preston sur les pédagogies alternatives développées en France durant les années 1970-1990 dans des écoles « ouvertes » travaillant la question des rapports entre co-création et coéducation (nouvelle édition augmentée).   Les équipes...
CAD 54.00
Not available
Not available
Urban wild ecology
CAD 70.00
Urban wild ecology
Following the calamitous events of 2011 in Japan, Fuminori Nousaku and Mio Tsuneyama began to look at the link between materials and energy related to daily life, such as household goods, homes, food, and waste. They sought ways to reinvent...
CAD 70.00
Not available
Not available
Le Corbusier: Album Punjab, 1951
CAD 95.00
Le Corbusier: Album Punjab, 1951
This facsimile edition of the notebook kept by Le Corbusier (1887–1965) from his two-week stay in the area that would become Chandigarh, the new capital city of the Indian state of Punjab, presents his written or sketched memos and personal...
CAD 95.00
El Croquis 224: Cristian Kerez
This monographic issue examines a decade of recent work by acclaimed Swiss architect Christian Kerez. Presented are eighteen projects distributed around the globe, including the China Academy of Arts, Office Building Lyon Confluence, Textile Museum St. Gallen, high-rises in the...
CAD 162.00
Architectures of Transition: Emergent practices in South Asia
This publication, which emerged from the "Emergent practices in South Asia" lecture series, catalogs 41 emergent architectural practices in South Asia that displayed a rigorous engagement in the making of architecture, landscape, and infrastructure in the public realm. The publication...
CAD 79.95
El Croquis 225: Macias Peredo
The architects of Studio Macías Peredo, based in Guadalajara and led by Salvador Macías Corona, Magui Peredo Arenas, and Diego Quirarte Contreras, believe that the act of designing is inseparable from the act of remembering. Architecture is a living testimony...
CAD 162.00
Unsettling educational modernism: Simon Fraser University
The iconic architecture of the brutalist modernist megastructure of Simon Fraser University in Vancouver, Canada built by architect Arthur Erickson in the 1960s is the site of the artistic research project into the history of this “radical campus” and its...
CAD 35.00
Museums at the ecological turn
A reflection on the relation between art, museum institutions and climate activism.In recent years, the intersection between ecological thought and contemporary art has sparked a generative reflection encompassing sustainability, conservation, and survivability. Confronted with the climate catastrophe, ecology questions the...
CAD 36.00
Seven sisters ou les villes jumelles
De déambulations en souvenirs, la narratrice traverse des villes immenses qui se mélangent à des villages, à la recherche des traces de leurs histoires entremêlées. Brighton, New Brighton. Lisbonne, New Lisbon. Berlin, New Berlin. Paris, New Paris. Carlisle, New Carlisle....
CAD 40.00
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