'A'A L'Architecture d'Aujourd'hui, Hors-série n.48: Atelier Pierre Thibault
Avant de se lancer dans tout « geste » architectural, Pierre Thibault étudie le milieu naturel dans lequel il va implanter son projet, tout autant qu’il se montre attentif aux besoins des usagers. Ça n’est pour lui pas une option...
CAD 24.00
200 Plan Libre : Anatomie d'un journal d'architecture
Pour relater l’histoire collective du projet éditorial original, nous avons travaillé conjointement au sein de l’équipe de rédaction — constituée de la Maison de l’Architecture Occitanie—Pyrénées, MBL architectes et de l’atelier de graphisme Documents — pour prendre le temps de...
CAD 58.95
Elina Birkehag: D for Daughter
Deep in the woods in Dalarna, Sweden, scattered among stumps and newer-growth trees stand centuries-old Scotch pines – thick, gnarled, and covered with carvings. The messages inscribed in their trunks are from female shepherds who, from the 17th to the...
CAD 58.00
Takashi Homma: Thirty-Six views of Mount Fuji
This collection of new work by celebrated photographer Takashi Homma approaches one of the most iconic and widely represented images in Japan and the world: Mount Fuji. With its title referencing Hokusai’s famous series of ukiyo-e woodblock prints, Homma evokes...
CAD 60.00
Rez-de-ville : Regarder, dessiner, projeter la ville autrement
Omniprésence de l'automobile, artificialisation du sol, vacance des commerces, hyper-surveillance des lieux publics... Pourquoi nos paysages urbains et suburbains sont-ils aussi inhospitaliers ? Face aux transitions à venir, il est urgent de réformer les méthodes du projet urbain. David Mangin...
CAD 71.95
Brutalist Paris
Brutalist Paris is the result of many journeys, from the Parisian centre to its outer peripheries, and situates Brutalism within the broader social, political and cultural context of Paris, including its appearance in film and television. It describes Brutalism’s successes...
CAD 40.00
Les Hespérides
« Aujourd’hui naît toujours d’hier » : il n’existe guère de sentence plus post-moderne. Il subsiste pourtant bel et bien un trou noir dans l’histoire de l’architecture récente, celle de la fin du XXe siècle, qui correspond précisément à l’affirmation d’une architecture « post-moderne ». Lui...
CAD 30.00
Architecture Simple : La Villa Baizeau à Carthage de Le Corbusier et Jeanneret
Les questions sociales, économiques, constructives, environnementales et climatiques qui, au début du XXIe siècle, ont remis en question les fondements du projet d'architecture, constituent l'arrière-plan théorique des événements consacrés à la villa que Le Corbusier et Pierre Jeanneret ont construite...
CAD 88.95
Louise Bourgeois : Les fleurs
La série de fleurs peintes à la gouache sur papier de Louise Bourgeois.   Née en 1911 à Paris, installée à New York depuis 1938 et jusqu'à sa mort en 2010, Louise Bourgeois a créé en plus de 60 ans...
CAD 29.95
L'art d'accomoder les restes
Que peut l’architecture à l’ère de l’Anthropocène? A-t-elle l’énergie de se saisir de l’occasion pour faire autrement et, ce faisant, de construire d’autres histoires? L’acte de transformation négocie avec l’idée de pertes. Le face-à-face de l’architecte avec celles-ci est continu et...
CAD 43.00
Architecture Studio en liberté : L'agence époque
« Agence-époque », Architecture Studio a grandi avec son temps, depuis sa fondation en 1973, en exprimant toujours les grands moments des périodes qu'elle a traversées, qu'ils soient empreints d'espoir ou signes de préoccupation. Les années soixante-dix, l'effervescence du militantisme,...
CAD 42.00
Landscape with(out) Locus: Negotiating images vol. 2
How do we understand landscape today? How do we discuss and visualize nature? Can they be conceived and represented as something existing independently of the viewer, now that the human race has gotten into a very last corner of the...
CAD 35.00
Giancarlo De Carlo: Experiments in thickness
Giancarlo de Carlo first visited Urbino in 1951 to carry out a minor refurbishment of the offices of the rector of the University. This was the beginning of his lifetime engagement with the small town where he continued working over...
CAD 69.95
Real Review 15
It isn’t the representation of violence in the Gaza Strip that is so disturbing; it is the absence of representation. The grief and despair of a child is penetratingly real. The extreme realism of these events has now driven a...
CAD 22.50
Histoire naturelle de l'architecture : Comment le climat, les épidémies et l'énergie ont façonné la ville et les bâtiments
En quoi la nécessité pour l’être humain de maintenir la température du corps à 37 °C engendre-t-elle l’apparition de l’architecture ? Comment un simple grenier à blé devient-il la ville ? Pourquoi l’iode a-t-il provoqué l’urbanisation du littoral ?  ...
CAD 24.95
La traversée de ma bibliothèque
Un livre d'aventure, écrite et dessinée, de Luca Merlini qui nous emmène au plus près du processus créatif de l'architecte et du parallèle qu'il est possible de tisser avec la littérature, mettant en lumière la question du livre et son...
CAD 56.95
Not available
Not available
Attitudes: MVRDV
CAD 110.00
Attitudes: MVRDV
Co-edited by MVRDV founding partner Jacob van Rijs and MVRDV partner Jan Knikker, this book presents twenty-five recently completed projects in Europe, North America, and Asia.Among these projects are several that show the potentials of reuse and transformation, such as...
CAD 110.00
Karel Martens Calendar 2024, Everyday is a new day
A tear-off calendar for 2024 by Dutch graphic designer Karel Martens. For each day of the year, Martens has created a unique arrangement, originally constructed using his signature method of printing letterpress monoprints from found metal forms, and then digitized...
CAD 59.95
De l'eau jusqu'au nombril
De 1973 à 1978, le groupe d’architectes, artistes et designers Ant Farm, composé d’une dizaine de membres, a travaillé à la conception d’une plateforme marine destinée à communiquer avec les dauphins. Il ne s’agissait pas seulement de les observer mais...
CAD 14.95
Coco Capitan: Casa Dali
Casa Dalí opens up Salvador Dalí’s home on the shores of Spain’s Costa Brava, with photos by Coco Capitán offering a rare glimpse of the artist’s surreal house and workshop. Purchased by Dalí in the early 1930s, the house served as the artist’s primary residence...
CAD 84.00
William Eggleston: Mystery of the ordinary
Although the first universal color slide film came onto the market in 1935, it was reserved for the world of advertising, and as late as the 1980s it was still considered commercial, vulgar and unartistic. Despite this, from the 1960s...
CAD 88.00
Paris postmoderne : Architectures 1973-93
Sous la direction de Jean-Louis Violeau, sociologue à l'ENSA Nantes et enseignant à l'école urbaine de Sciences po Paris, chercheur au CRENAU-CNRS Si le mouvement postmoderne en architecture a désormais « fait son temps », ici délimité par les années...
CAD 86.00
Not available
Not available
Cone wars
CAD 52.00
Cone wars
Who would have thought that a simple cone-shaped marker could have such a rich and mysterious history? These seemingly ordinary objects, known by various names such as road cones, safety cones, or construction cones, hold secrets waiting to be unravelled....
CAD 52.00
Ronan Bouroullec: Day after day
Ronan Bouroullec works at the very forefront of design. Over his 30-year career he has used photography to document his process and communicate his unique perspective, amassing a vast archive of images in the process. He shares these images on...
CAD 64.95
L'image édifiante : Le rôle des images de référence en architecture
  La culture architecturale n'est pas seulement constituée d'édifices, de monuments, de bâtiments, remarquables ou ordinaires, elle est peuplée d'images. Innombrables et diverses, celles-ci sont omniprésentes dans la formation, la pensée et l'action de l'architecte. Elles n'interviennent pas seulement en...
CAD 56.00
Peter Märkli: Dessins, disegni
L'œuvre « dessinée » de Peter Märkli peut être étudiée indépendamment de son œuvre construite. Parfois, on retrouve ces dessins dans ses œuvres réalisées mais, en général, il s'agit plutôt de projets ou plus précisément de thèmes de projets en puissance. Pour...
CAD 96.95
Not available
Climatic Architecture: Philippe Rahm Architectes
Architecture and urbanism were traditionally based on climate and health, as we can read in the treatises of Vitruvius, Palladio or Alberti, where exposure to wind and sun, variations in temperature and humidity influenced the forms of cities and buildings....
CAD 88.00
Typobiographie : Jost Hochuli, 60 ans de travaux
Typobiographie revient sur l’ensemble de la longue et prolifique carrière du designer et typographe suisse Jost Hochuli. Rassemblant textes et un corpus d’images d’archives inédites, cette monographie visuelle entend générer des réflexions sur la question du design de livres et...
CAD 65.95
Protest architecture: Barricades, camps, spatial tactics 1830-2023
Protest movements shape public space not only through their messages but in many cases also through their mostly temporary buildings. Frankfurt’s Deutsches Architekturmuseum DAM and Vienna’s MAK—Museum of Applied Arts explore this thesis in a joint exhibition project. The exhibition...
CAD 34.00
The monster Leviathan: Anarchitecture
Lurking under the surface of our modern world lies an unseen architecture—or anarchitecture. It is a possible architecture, an analogous architecture, an architecture of anarchy, which haunts in the form of monsters that are humans and machines and cities all...
CAD 59.00
Harvard Design Magazine 51
Multihyphenation refers to alternate modes of creative production: “collab” culture, “brand X brand” projects, and multiple or even opaque styles of attribution and ownership among individuals, studios, and practices. For them, the body of work they produce matters more than...
CAD 31.00
D'après maquettes
Les maquettes ont des usages multiples et précieux pour construire l'exposition, elles sont des outils de conception, d'imagination et de vérification. Légères dans leur manipulation, elles mettent en jeu le regard, la main et l'ensemble du corps, en multipliant les...
CAD 56.95
Not available
Arch + The Great Repair: Politics for a society of repair, A reader
A theoretical approach to repairing society from the perils of capitalism and overconsumption This collaborative project between ARCH+, Akademie der Künste, Berlin, ETH Zurich and the University of Luxembourg proposes a vision of societal repair based on practices of care,...
CAD 50.50
Not available
Not available
Studio Muoto: Holy Highway
CAD 74.95
Studio Muoto: Holy Highway
Un recueil de textes, de projets et d'images de l'agence d'architecture parisienne autour du sujet de l'autoroute, l'espace public le plus radical jamais imaginé mais aussi le plus clivant et le plus critiqué aujourd'hui, interrogeant notre relation à la modernité....
CAD 74.95
Paris Moderne 1914-1945
Un panorama de la création artistique de la première moitié du XXe siècle à Paris et de son contexte historique révélant les interactions entre les différentes figures des arts, de la politique, de la littérature, de la haute couture, du...
CAD 94.95
Jürgen Beck: Sun Breakers. Late August, Roquebrune-Cap-Martin
Designed by Irish architect and designer Eileen Gray (1878–1976), E-1027 has only recently taken on the status of an architectural icon. Jürgen Beck’s photographs of the house approach the building as if in search of something. He captures the overgrown...
CAD 65.00
Not available
Let's Become Fungal! Mycelium Teachings and the Arts: Based on Conversations with Indigenous Wisdom Keepers, Artists, Curators, Feminists and Mycologists
The enormous popular interest in the world of fungi and the mycelium testifies to its tremendous resonance as a metaphor for new ways of thinking, new systems and behaviors. Taking its inspiration from this world, Let’s Become Fungal! looks at...
CAD 42.95
Koechlin House
This book by photographer and architect Daisuke Hirabayashi is a meditation on the often overlooked lives of buildings after the architect has left. Through a sequence of intimate, immersive images, Hirabayashi explores Koechlin House, an early private home designed by...
CAD 60.00
The emotional power of space
How does space affect our physical, psychological and emotional state? Ila Bêka and Louise Lemoine explore this question through the lively and intimate form of the conversation with twelve renowned architects for whom perception and sensoriality play a central role...
CAD 40.00
Dot Architects: Politics of living
Based in Osaka, dot architects is an interdisciplinary practice with a portfolio that spans architecture, research, art, and more. This volume features five of the studio’s completed projects. Images which portray the projects in their current state are complemented by...
CAD 90.00
Not available
Not available
Moving mountains
CAD 79.95
Moving mountains
The Moving Mountains book is a selection of material enquiries of the Swedish landscape, narrated through a series of texts, recipes and visual materials that ask how we can reconfigure and inform our understanding of the land that surrounds us....
CAD 79.95
Cohousing in Barcelona: Designing, building and living for cooperative models
Barcelona offers a prime example of the co-housing model as an asset prized for its use value as opposed to investment. This book is a compilation of cooperative housing projects in Barcelona, both complete and under construction. It explains how...
CAD 60.00
Habiter en beauté : Ces lieux qui nous font du bien
La pandémie a changé notre rapport aux lieux, pour longtemps ou pour toujours. Le télétravail nous force à repenser la maison, mais le repli sanitaire a ses limites. Pour continuer d’avancer, et aussi pour s’adapter aux défis environnementaux, il faudra...
CAD 26.96
Not available
El Croquis 222: David Chipperfield (2015–2023) Selected Works
The magazine presents an overview of eight years in the evolution of David Chipperfield’s practice, leading up to his receiving the Pritzker Prize in 2023. It features a diverse range of exemplary projects from this period, including Kunsthaus Zürich, the...
CAD 155.00
Not available
Geostories: Another architecture for the environment
How do we make sense of the Earth at a moment in which it is presented in crisis? Geostories is a manifesto on the environmental imagination that renders sensible the issues of climate change and through geographic fiction invites readers...
CAD 47.00
Not available
Not available
How to not demolish a building
CAD 54.95
How to not demolish a building
Part of the Chapters series developed by the Belgian architects 51N4E, this third instalment tells the story of two office towers from the 1970s that have been transformed according to the principles of reduce/reuse/recycle. In collaboration with Jaspers-Eyers Architects, the former...
CAD 54.95
CAD 28.00
Depuis toujours Ronan Bouroullec dessine quotidiennement. Une pratique artistique pure qu'il juge autonome du métier pour lequel il est internationalement reconnu. Mais s'il existe une porosité entre ces deux faces de son activité qui se nourrissent l'une l'autre, Ronan Bouroullec...
CAD 28.00
Not available
Not available
Too Much 09: The Sacred
CAD 48.00
Too Much 09: The Sacred
TOO MUCH is a magazine about romantic geography. Its purpose is to document our collective experience of cities and look at the ways people and landscapes make and remake one another. This volume of TOO MUCH Magazine asks: Who is to...
CAD 48.00
Valerio Olgiati: Built
Valerio Olgiati’s latest book is about the beauty of the very varied buildings he has realized to date. This exquisite small volume features them all in seventy-nine striking color photographs, each of them supplemented by a floor plan or section...
CAD 65.00
Geoffrey Bawa: Drawing from the archives
Sri Lankan architect Geoffrey Bawa fused sensitivity for local context with the technological discoveries and design principles of modernism. Accordingly, Bawa often incorporated materials (local stone and timber) and layouts (high roofs, cross-ventilation, vast overhangs) specific to Sri Lanka’s monsoon...
CAD 69.00
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