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Graphic design is (…) not innocent
This volume questions ingrained approaches, values and assumptions of graphic design in globalized societies. It aims to initiate a dialogue between designers, scholars, critics and commissioners, who investigate responsibilities, potentials, politics, limits and risks of designing visual communication. How innocent...
CAD 39.00
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Marble in metamorphosis
CAD 50.00
Marble in metamorphosis
Marble in Metamorphosis contemplates the physical and cultural life of marble. It explores the ethics, politics and symbolism of its use and deliberates over the spirit of the material and why some cultures so revere and desire it. In reflecting on...
CAD 50.00
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Decolonize museums
CAD 29.50
Decolonize museums
The idealized Western museum, as typified by the Metropolitan Museum of Art, the British Museum, and the Museum of Natural History, has remained much the same for over a century: a rarified space of cool stone, providing an experience of...
CAD 29.50
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Pathways of art: How objects get to the museum
Non-European artworks in European and American museums have become the subject of controversial debate. How exactly these collections of art from Africa, North and South America, Asia, and Oceania have been amassed in the global North over centuries, and how...
CAD 69.95
Not available
Making matters: A vocabulary for collective arts
Collective action often changes the artist’s identity and working habits: from individuality and autonomy to collectivity and collaboration, both locally and globally. This has given rise to new kinds of collective art and design practices: artists work together with nonartists,...
CAD 38.00
CAD 28.00
Depuis toujours Ronan Bouroullec dessine quotidiennement. Une pratique artistique pure qu'il juge autonome du métier pour lequel il est internationalement reconnu. Mais s'il existe une porosité entre ces deux faces de son activité qui se nourrissent l'une l'autre, Ronan Bouroullec...
CAD 28.00
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Sam Chermayeff: Beasts
CAD 54.00
Sam Chermayeff: Beasts
Sam Chermayeff: Beasts presents the latest furniture collection by the Berlin- based architect and designer, following his previous project-turned-book, Creatures (Apartamento Publishing, 2020). These ‘beasts’ actively merge typologies: a chair becomes the base of an umbrella; a closet becomes a place to sit,...
CAD 54.00
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Not available
Island zombie: Iceland writings
CAD 40.75
Island zombie: Iceland writings
"I’m often asked, but have no idea why I chose Iceland, why I first started going, why I still go. In truth I believe Iceland chose me." Artist Roni Horn first visited Iceland in 1975 at the age of nineteen,...
CAD 40.75
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Sol LeWitt: Four Basic Kinds of Lines & Colour
Originally published in 1977, Four Basic Kinds of Lines & Colour  is a classic artist’s book by conceptual artist Sol LeWitt (1928–2007). Featuring 34 pages of drawings, the work is an early example of LeWitt’s rigorous, algorithmic process in which a...
CAD 24.95
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Le système Minard : Anthologie des représentations statistiques de Charles-Joseph Minard
Pionnier en matière de représentation de données statistiques, l’ingénieur français en génie civil Charles-Joseph Minard a fait de ses cartes et tableaux des outils permettant de comprendre les bouleversements sociaux et économiques qui transforment l’Europe et le reste du monde...
CAD 67.95
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Not available
Karel Martens: Small prints
CAD 52.00
Karel Martens: Small prints
This artist’s publication contains a sequence of unique letterpress monoprints, made by Dutch graphic designer Karel Martens between 2014 and 2022. The prints, which are both highly geometric and brightly coloured, are reproduced in the book at their actual size....
CAD 52.00
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Arctic/Amazon: Networks of global indigeneity
Arctic/Amazon: Networks of Global Indigeneity offers a conversation between Indigenous Peoples of two regions in this time of political and environmental upheaval. Both regions are environmentally sensitive areas that have become hot spots in the debates circling around climate change...
CAD 60.00
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Not available
Amazonia: Anthology as cosmology
CAD 39.95
Amazonia: Anthology as cosmology
Amazonia: Anthology as Cosmology is devoted to Amazonia, its peoples, allies, and nonhuman spirits, and their myriad material and immaterial practices, from certain cosmopolitics and visual languages to past and present forms of resistance. In all their various lines (and circles)...
CAD 39.95
Typobiographie : Jost Hochuli, 60 ans de travaux
Typobiographie revient sur l’ensemble de la longue et prolifique carrière du designer et typographe suisse Jost Hochuli. Rassemblant textes et un corpus d’images d’archives inédites, cette monographie visuelle entend générer des réflexions sur la question du design de livres et...
CAD 65.95
Peter Märkli: Dessins, disegni
L'œuvre « dessinée » de Peter Märkli peut être étudiée indépendamment de son œuvre construite. Parfois, on retrouve ces dessins dans ses œuvres réalisées mais, en général, il s'agit plutôt de projets ou plus précisément de thèmes de projets en puissance. Pour...
CAD 96.95
Karel Martens Calendar 2024, Everyday is a new day
A tear-off calendar for 2024 by Dutch graphic designer Karel Martens. For each day of the year, Martens has created a unique arrangement, originally constructed using his signature method of printing letterpress monoprints from found metal forms, and then digitized...
CAD 59.95
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Not available
Ronan Bouroullec: Day after day
CAD 64.95
Ronan Bouroullec: Day after day
Ronan Bouroullec works at the very forefront of design. Over his 30-year career he has used photography to document his process and communicate his unique perspective, amassing a vast archive of images in the process. He shares these images on...
CAD 64.95
Louise Bourgeois : Les fleurs
La série de fleurs peintes à la gouache sur papier de Louise Bourgeois.   Née en 1911 à Paris, installée à New York depuis 1938 et jusqu'à sa mort en 2010, Louise Bourgeois a créé en plus de 60 ans...
CAD 29.95
Black futures
CAD 34.00
Black futures
What does it mean to be Black and alive right now? Kimberly Drew and Jenna Wortham have brought together this collection of work—images, photos, essays, memes, dialogues, recipes, tweets, poetry, and more—to tell the story of the radical, imaginative, provocative,...
CAD 34.00
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Not available
Les fourmis courent en deux sens
CAD 45.00
Les fourmis courent en deux sens
Ouvrage collectif issu d'un projet de recherche mené par Sophie Orlando et Katrin Ströbel qui prend pour point de départ la manière dont les changements géopolitiques, économiques et sociaux actuels induisent un renouvellement et un ajustement des stratégies artistiques, en...
CAD 45.00
Not available
Party studies: Home gatherings, flat events, festive pedagogy and refiguring the hangover
The party as a model for new forms of togetherness, with examples from communist Hungary and Spain. From social get-together to scenes of delirium, this publication aims to unpack the party as a complex, vertiginous construct that provides a dynamic...
CAD 25.00
Collectif Brasa : Textes à lire à voix haute
Textes à lire à voix haute réunit les textes de quinze auteur·ices contemporain·es brésilien·nes qui abordent les notions de soin et de privilège, dans une perspective de critique transféministe, antiraciste et décoloniale. Indépendant, politique et poétique, l'ouvrage assemble des poèmes,...
CAD 40.50
Seeing <—> Making: Room for thought
Philosopher Susan Buck-Morss collaborates with Kevin McCaughey of Boot Boyz Biz and Adam Michaels of Inventory Press on this experimental image-text renewal of McLuhan, Berger and Benjamin. Seeing <―> Making: Room for Thought both studies and presents the creative process...
CAD 41.95
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Not available
Elina Birkehag: D for Daughter
CAD 58.00
Elina Birkehag: D for Daughter
Deep in the woods in Dalarna, Sweden, scattered among stumps and newer-growth trees stand centuries-old Scotch pines – thick, gnarled, and covered with carvings. The messages inscribed in their trunks are from female shepherds who, from the 17th to the...
CAD 58.00
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Anna Püschel: Encyclopedia of the uncertain. A meditation on doubt
When do you know something? And at which point can you be sure that what you know is true? Knowledge of facts is distinct from opinion or speculative assumption. We rely on various sources to determine the validity of information...
CAD 76.95
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Inventer l'école, penser la co-création
Une publication de l'artiste et enseignante-chercheuse Marie Preston sur les pédagogies alternatives développées en France durant les années 1970-1990 dans des écoles « ouvertes » travaillant la question des rapports entre co-création et coéducation (nouvelle édition augmentée).   Les équipes...
CAD 54.00
Arranging things: A rhetoric of object placement
‘Most arrangements are little noticed, yet some stop you in your tracks.’ Originally published in 2003, Leonard Koren’s highly sought-after Arranging Things: A Rhetoric of Object Placement utilises the language of rhetoric to portray visual arrangement as a ‘communicational act:...
CAD 85.00
Museums at the ecological turn
A reflection on the relation between art, museum institutions and climate activism.In recent years, the intersection between ecological thought and contemporary art has sparked a generative reflection encompassing sustainability, conservation, and survivability. Confronted with the climate catastrophe, ecology questions the...
CAD 36.00
Holzer-isms. Artists edition
Holzer-isms: Artist’s Edition presents a selection of artist Jenny Holzer’s Truisms (1977–79)—subtly subversive declarations such as ABUSE OF POWER COMES AS NO SURPRISE—on six foldout posters designed by the artist.   Important and influential works of word-art, Truisms are single-sentence...
CAD 82.00
e-flux Index #2
e-flux Index is a new print journal surveying the breadth of contemporary culture through e-flux’s publishing on art, theory, architecture, film, criticism, activism, and art education. Published bimonthly, it interweaves long-form essays from e-flux Journal and Architecture, exhibition and book...
CAD 65.00
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Not available
A treaty guide for Torontonians
CAD 35.00
A treaty guide for Torontonians
Part of Jumblies Theatre & Arts’s multi-year Talking Treaties project, A Treaty Guide for Torontonians is an artful examination of the complex intercultural roots of treaty relationships in the place we now call Toronto. Scholarly and historical research is complemented...
CAD 35.00
Meandering: Art, ecology, and metaphysics
Inspired by how rivers bend and curve, connecting entire ecosystems, Meandering: Art, Ecology, and Metaphysics unfolds the cultural, historical, spiritual, and ecological trajectories of waterways, reflecting the vitality of water, from source to sea. A diverse group of artists and...
CAD 38.95
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On the anarchic organization of cinematic spaces: Evoking spaces beyond cinema
Employing the concept of an anarchic organization of cinematic spaces, the author embarks in this volume on a journey toward an imaginary political trope for the cinema of the present – a working principle that aims to form a new...
CAD 35.00
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Gordon Matta-Clark: Doors, floors, doors
Made in 1976 as part of "Rooms," the inaugural exhibition at PS1, Matta-Clark cut vertically aligned rectangular openings through three floors of PS1's building so that visitors standing in a third-floor classroom could look directly into the basement. Initially, Matta-Clark...
CAD 14.95
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Not available
Commons in design
CAD 47.00
Commons in design
The scarcity of resources, climate change, and the digitalization of everyday life are fuelling the economy of swapping, sharing, and lending—all of which are in some way linked to a culture of commoning. In this context, we understand commons as...
CAD 47.00
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Not available
Pauline Julier: Meadow
CAD 40.00
Pauline Julier: Meadow
‘Meadow’ is part of the Occupy Mars project conducted by Pauline Julier and Clément Postec, which sees Mars as a mirror of Earth at the dawn of the new age of space exploration, extractivism, and colonialism. Through a series of...
CAD 40.00
Why I do what I do: Twenty global curators speak
For this fourth volume of the series Thoughts on Curating, twenty renowned curators and collectives from across the globe write about a single exhibition or curatorial project they created that transformed their thinking and the way they have curated ever...
CAD 25.00
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Virginia Hanusik: Into the quiet and the light. Water, life, and land loss in Southern Louisiana
In South Louisiana, where the Mississippi River meets the Gulf of Mexico, water—and the history of controlling it—is omnipresent. Into the Quiet and the Light: Water, Life, and Land Loss in South Louisiana glimpses the vulnerabilities and possibilities of living...
CAD 38.00
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Not available
Art after liberalism
CAD 26.00
Art after liberalism
Art after Liberalism is an account of creative practice at a moment of converging social crises. It is also an inquiry into emergent ways of living, acting, and making art in the company of others. The apparent failures of liberal thinking...
CAD 26.00
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Not available
Re-envisioning bodies: DNA #10
CAD 20.00
Re-envisioning bodies: DNA #10
New paradigms of the body and its histories.   This volume calls for a new visibility of non-normative bodies, moving away from enforced categorizations and toward respect and care. Essays touch on everything from The Matrix to migration, from wedding...
CAD 20.00
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Not available
Echo: DNA #4
CAD 20.00
Echo: DNA #4
How are today's technologies encoded with the beliefs of the past?  Drawing on Louis Chude-Sokei's political and technopoetic writings, this volume shows how past ideas have produced the technologies and lifestyles of the world today—for example, how AI today contains...
CAD 20.00
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Not available
Listen to lists: DNA #2
CAD 20.00
Listen to lists: DNA #2
How the playlist has colonized our listening habits.   Today, the playlist structures how people listen, as well as how companies collect their data. This volume examines how the playlist has spawned new categories, aesthetic tendencies and behaviors. With texts...
CAD 20.00
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Not available
Roni Horn: Herdubreid at home
CAD 27.95
Roni Horn: Herdubreid at home
"Iceland is really the center of action for me," Roni Horn has said. "Since I grew up in New York people think I'm escaping from all its lunacy. Not at all. When I go to Iceland that's where I get...
CAD 27.95
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Not available
James Baldwin: Collected essays
CAD 45.00
James Baldwin: Collected essays
Toni Morrison's definitive edition of James Baldwin's incomparable nonfiction. Contains all the major essays collections in their entirety, plus 36 uncollected essays. James Baldwin was a uniquely prophetic voice in American letters. His brilliant and provocative essays made him the...
CAD 45.00
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