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William Eggleston: Mystery of the ordinary
Although the first universal color slide film came onto the market in 1935, it was reserved for the world of advertising, and as late as the 1980s it was still considered commercial, vulgar and unartistic. Despite this, from the 1960s...
CAD 88.00
Coco Capitan: Casa Dali
Casa Dalí opens up Salvador Dalí’s home on the shores of Spain’s Costa Brava, with photos by Coco Capitán offering a rare glimpse of the artist’s surreal house and workshop. Purchased by Dalí in the early 1930s, the house served as the artist’s primary residence...
CAD 84.00
The monster Leviathan: Anarchitecture
Lurking under the surface of our modern world lies an unseen architecture—or anarchitecture. It is a possible architecture, an analogous architecture, an architecture of anarchy, which haunts in the form of monsters that are humans and machines and cities all...
CAD 59.00
Peter Märkli: Dessins, disegni
L'œuvre « dessinée » de Peter Märkli peut être étudiée indépendamment de son œuvre construite. Parfois, on retrouve ces dessins dans ses œuvres réalisées mais, en général, il s'agit plutôt de projets ou plus précisément de thèmes de projets en puissance. Pour...
CAD 96.95
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Not available
Cone wars
CAD 52.00
Cone wars
Who would have thought that a simple cone-shaped marker could have such a rich and mysterious history? These seemingly ordinary objects, known by various names such as road cones, safety cones, or construction cones, hold secrets waiting to be unravelled....
CAD 52.00
Typobiographie : Jost Hochuli, 60 ans de travaux
Typobiographie revient sur l’ensemble de la longue et prolifique carrière du designer et typographe suisse Jost Hochuli. Rassemblant textes et un corpus d’images d’archives inédites, cette monographie visuelle entend générer des réflexions sur la question du design de livres et...
CAD 65.95
Paris postmoderne : Architectures 1973-93
Sous la direction de Jean-Louis Violeau, sociologue à l'ENSA Nantes et enseignant à l'école urbaine de Sciences po Paris, chercheur au CRENAU-CNRS Si le mouvement postmoderne en architecture a désormais « fait son temps », ici délimité par les années...
CAD 86.00
Harvard Design Magazine 51
Multihyphenation refers to alternate modes of creative production: “collab” culture, “brand X brand” projects, and multiple or even opaque styles of attribution and ownership among individuals, studios, and practices. For them, the body of work they produce matters more than...
CAD 31.00
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Journal Superposition, issue 2 : Workout
Founded in 2020 by a group of architects, the story behind Superposition's title is as follows: ‘Super connotes the extraordinary in a positive sense. Position refers equally to a spatial, a temporal and an intellectual emplacement.'   After a debut...
CAD 65.95
D'après maquettes
Les maquettes ont des usages multiples et précieux pour construire l'exposition, elles sont des outils de conception, d'imagination et de vérification. Légères dans leur manipulation, elles mettent en jeu le regard, la main et l'ensemble du corps, en multipliant les...
CAD 56.95
Not available
Protest architecture: Barricades, camps, spatial tactics 1830-2023
Protest movements shape public space not only through their messages but in many cases also through their mostly temporary buildings. Frankfurt’s Deutsches Architekturmuseum DAM and Vienna’s MAK—Museum of Applied Arts explore this thesis in a joint exhibition project. The exhibition...
CAD 41.00
Architecture Studio en liberté : L'agence époque
« Agence-époque », Architecture Studio a grandi avec son temps, depuis sa fondation en 1973, en exprimant toujours les grands moments des périodes qu'elle a traversées, qu'ils soient empreints d'espoir ou signes de préoccupation. Les années soixante-dix, l'effervescence du militantisme,...
CAD 42.00
Roni Horn: Mother, wonder
In the south of Iceland is Landbrot, whose geologic particulars present a unique landscape. It is a place closer to fairy tales than to science, indeed a place easy to imagine as the singular source of fairies and elves worldwide....
CAD 101.50
L'image édifiante : Le rôle des images de référence en architecture
  La culture architecturale n'est pas seulement constituée d'édifices, de monuments, de bâtiments, remarquables ou ordinaires, elle est peuplée d'images. Innombrables et diverses, celles-ci sont omniprésentes dans la formation, la pensée et l'action de l'architecte. Elles n'interviennent pas seulement en...
CAD 56.00
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Climatic Architecture: Philippe Rahm Architectes
Architecture and urbanism were traditionally based on climate and health, as we can read in the treatises of Vitruvius, Palladio or Alberti, where exposure to wind and sun, variations in temperature and humidity influenced the forms of cities and buildings....
CAD 88.00
Marisa Portolese: Goose Village (ed. français)
Ce petit quartier de Montréal fut détruit en 1964. C’était, nous disait-on, la route du progrès qui devait passer là… Il s’agit du Village-aux-Oies, nommé aussi Goose Village ou plus officiellement Victoriatown. Il fut rasé de la carte comme le...
CAD 50.00
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Not available
Paris Moderne 1914-1945
CAD 94.95
Paris Moderne 1914-1945
Un panorama de la création artistique de la première moitié du XXe siècle à Paris et de son contexte historique révélant les interactions entre les différentes figures des arts, de la politique, de la littérature, de la haute couture, du...
CAD 94.95
Not available
Let's Become Fungal! Mycelium Teachings and the Arts: Based on Conversations with Indigenous Wisdom Keepers, Artists, Curators, Feminists and Mycologists
The enormous popular interest in the world of fungi and the mycelium testifies to its tremendous resonance as a metaphor for new ways of thinking, new systems and behaviors. Taking its inspiration from this world, Let’s Become Fungal! looks at...
CAD 42.95
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Arch + The Great Repair: Politics for a society of repair, A reader
A theoretical approach to repairing society from the perils of capitalism and overconsumption This collaborative project between ARCH+, Akademie der Künste, Berlin, ETH Zurich and the University of Luxembourg proposes a vision of societal repair based on practices of care,...
CAD 50.50
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Alison and Peter Smithson: Upper lawn, solar pavilion
In 1958, the architects Alison and Peter Smithson bought a derelict cottage on the Fonthill Estate in Wiltshire, southwest England. Over the next four years they transformed it into a country home for their young family and an extended experiment...
CAD 68.00
The advanced school of collective feeling: Inhabiting modern physical culture 1926-38
The Advanced School of Collective Feeling explores the advent of radical new conceptions of the body—a phenomenon known in the 1920s and ’30s as “physical culture”—and their impact on the thinking of some of modern architecture’s most influential figures. Using...
CAD 60.00
Not available
Mieux avec moins : Architecture et frugalité pour la paix
Le constat est connu et s’avère terrible : l’inhabitable se bétonne sur toute la planète. Les bâtisseurs en sont largement responsables ; ils savent qu’une tonne de béton engendre une tonne de CO2, que le sable s’épuise partout, que les...
CAD 36.95
La Syntaxe de l'image : Introduction à l'alphabétisation visuelle
Comment apprendre à lire les images ? Donis A. Dondis livre dans cet essai une approche précise et documentée des mécanismes à l’œuvre dans ce processus. Alors que la lecture d’une image semble relever du domaine de l’intuition, cette enseignante...
CAD 46.00
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Studio Muoto: Holy Highway
CAD 74.95
Studio Muoto: Holy Highway
Un recueil de textes, de projets et d'images de l'agence d'architecture parisienne autour du sujet de l'autoroute, l'espace public le plus radical jamais imaginé mais aussi le plus clivant et le plus critiqué aujourd'hui, interrogeant notre relation à la modernité....
CAD 74.95
Not available
La nature de l'injustice : Racisme et inégalités environnementales
Les discriminations que subissent les communautés pauvres, marginalisées ou racisées sont souvent abordées sous l’angle de l’emploi ou du logement. Mais qu’en est-il du fardeau que ces communautés doivent porter en matière d’injustices environnementales ? Si l’exploitation de la nature...
CAD 29.00
Radical futurisms: Ecologies of collapse, chronopolitics, and justice to come
There is widespread consensus that we are living at the end—of democracy, of liberalism, of capitalism, of a healthy planet, of the Holocene, of civilization as we know it. In this book, drawing on radical futurisms and visions of justice-to-come...
CAD 33.95
Codes, races, climat, habitudes : Implications sociales de la numérisation
Depuis le début des années 2000, Wendy Hui Kyong Chun a publié cinq ouvrages qui ont profondément modifié la façon dont nous concevons les logiciels, les socialités sur plateforme et les modes de subjectivation qui en émanent. Malgré sa célébrité...
CAD 28.00
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Not available
The emotional power of space
CAD 31.50
The emotional power of space
How does space affect our physical, psychological and emotional state? Ila Bêka and Louise Lemoine explore this question through the lively and intimate form of the conversation with twelve renowned architects for whom perception and sensoriality play a central role...
CAD 31.50
Grundkurs: What is architecture about?
In this collection of idiosyncratic lessons, architect and teacher Pier Paolo Tamburelli engages with the very foundations of architecture, proposing a series of new and open-ended perspectives on how we build the world. Developed for the ‘Grundkurs’, or ‘basic course’,...
CAD 55.00
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Not available
Visible Invisible
CAD 47.95
Visible Invisible
Face à l'urgence écologique, comment faire émerger de nouvelles formes architecturales à partir des matériaux et énergies disponibles localement ? Si un terroir peut être défini comme la rencontre d'un sol, d'un climat et de savoir-faire, l'architecture est de façon...
CAD 47.95
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Not available
Radical sympathy
CAD 25.00
Radical sympathy
Questions of interdependency and care have gained broader urgency within today's planetary environment. From the pressing need to work at post-carbon futures to the challenges surrounding our covid-19 realities, understandings of care-work and co-existence require ever-greater imagination and creative engagement....
CAD 25.00
Ari Marcopoulos: Zines
This project collects in one volume for the first time a selection of zines by Marcopoulos, many never before released, providing a unique insight and overview into an essential part of this influential artist's daily practice. Often self-published or created...
CAD 76.95
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Not available
La Fábrica, Ricardo Bofill
CAD 81.00
La Fábrica, Ricardo Bofill
La Fábrica is one of Ricardo Bofill’s most iconoclastic creations. A former cement factory on the outskirts of Barcelona, serendipitously discovered while driving, the building became the centre of the late Catalan architect’s life, serving both as his home and...
CAD 81.00
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Tokuko Ushioda: My husband (2 vol.)
CAD 102.00
Tokuko Ushioda: My husband (2 vol.)
Tokuko Ushioda launched her career as a photographer around 1975, befriending figures such as Shigeo Gocho and Fusako Kodama, who became important inspirations. While studying under Kiyoji Otsuji, she crossed paths with Shinzo Shimao, who would later become her husband....
CAD 102.00
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Ari Marcopoulos: Ainsi soit-il / So be it
Limited edition photobook by Ari Marcopoulos with text by Kara Walker. All photographs were taken on trips in 2018 and 2019, when Ari and Kara went to visit their friends Robert Frank and June Leaf in their home in Mabou...
CAD 88.00
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Not available
Naoya Hatakeyama : Rikuzentakata
CAD 64.95
Naoya Hatakeyama : Rikuzentakata
Cette série est la suite logique de Kesengawa, où le photographe, cette fois, touché personnellement par le tsunami de 2011 qui détruit sa ville natale, Rikuzentakata, observe la naissance d'un monde inconnu dans le bruit des engins de construction. Il...
CAD 64.95
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Not available
Sur la photographie
CAD 29.00
Sur la photographie
« Tout a débuté par un essai, consacré à quelques-uns des problèmes esthétiques et moraux que pose l’omniprésence des images photographiques : mais plus je réfléchissais à la nature des photographies, plus elles devenaient complexes et suggestives. Si bien qu’un...
CAD 29.00
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Not available
Jeff Wall: Essais et entretiens
CAD 42.95
Jeff Wall: Essais et entretiens
Cette nouvelle édition augmentée des écrits de Jeff Wall présente des essais, des conférences et des entretiens, ainsi que deux longs dialogues avec Jean-François Chevrier. Jeff Wall revient sur sa formation et l'évolution de son travail et analyse celui d'autres...
CAD 42.95
Susanne Kriemann, 10%: Das Bildarchiv eines Kernforschungszentrums betreffend
Unknown lady in the radiation protection department, puddle, dancing couple in costume, damage to a waste drum, retiree send-off, lead shielding, burnt-out glovebox, scorpion with microchip—these are all captions to photographs of Germany’s first major nuclear research facility. In 1957,...
CAD 68.00
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Not available
Armin Linke: 4FLIGHT
CAD 109.95
Armin Linke: 4FLIGHT
4Flight attempts to document the profound metamorphosis within the urban and natural landscape, also due by man. The images’ research, developed with an aesthetic, anthropological and sociological criteria, has led to the creation of an archive in progress with the...
CAD 109.95
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Not available
Symphony: Mushrooms from the forest
CAD 125.00
Symphony: Mushrooms from the forest
Inspired by the Ed Ruscha series Coloured People, Takashi Homma visited forests on three continents to search for radioactive mushrooms. The mushrooms—gathered in Scandinavia, Fukushima, Chernobyl and Stony Point—were photographed in front of a white background, with occasional photographs from...
CAD 125.00
Recaptioning Congo: African stories and colonial pictures / Récits africains et photographies coloniales
Recaptioning Congo places the colonial Congo's photography history in new perspectives. Six writers and everyday Congolese urban voices take an African-centered look at imperial archival images and provide them with creative, contemporary and/or literary 'captions'. The book, linked to an...
CAD 71.50
Not available
Photobooks &: A critical companion to the contemporary medium
Elucidating key issues and themes in contemporary photobook culture, from the medium’s post-digital and post-photographic condition to the aims of publishing, issues of accessibility and the act of reading, Photobooks & combines research and interviews with key individuals from the...
CAD 34.00
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We were here: Sexuality, photography, and cultural difference
We Were Here offers an unparalleled firsthand account of the influential photographer and curator Sunil Gupta’s writing and critical inquiry since the 1970s. Newspaper articles, speeches, and essays show Gupta’s crucial role at the center of grassroots queer and postcolonial organizing...
CAD 39.95
Not available
Maa Ka Maaya Ka Ca A Yere Kono, 13ème édition des rencontres de Bamako – Biennale africaine de la photographie
Dans ce « monde globalisé », le récit dominant est précisément celui de la singularité – de l'universalisme, des identités uniques, des cultures singulières, des systèmes politiques isolés. Ce récit s'accompagne toutefois d'un sentiment illusoire de stabilité et de stase...
CAD 69.95
Tutto, tutto, tutto...o quasi
Gianni Pettena was a founding member of the Radical architecture movement in the late 1960s, which included names like Archizoom, Remo Buti, 9999, UFO, Superstudio, and Zziggurat. Besides critiquing modernist functionalism, the self-proclaimed “anarchitect” became noted for a purposeful reluctance...
CAD 77.95
Not available
Socializing architecture: Top-down/bottom-up
Situated at the intersection of architecture, art, public culture, and political theory, Socializing Architecture urges architects and urbanists to intervene in the contested space between public and private interests, to design political and civic processes that mediate top-down and bottom-up...
CAD 71.95
Le Cèdre : Jean tschumi 1951-1956
Achevé en 1956, le siège de la Mutuelle Vaudoise à Lausanne devient rapidement le modèle de l’architecture administrative en Suisse. L’intention du maître de l’ouvrage est clairement démonstrative : on veut un bâtiment en mesure d’exprimer, par sa modernité architecturale,...
CAD 101.95
Not available
Not available
A book on making a Petite École
CAD 68.95
A book on making a Petite École
As part of the 2019 Biennale d’architecture et de paysage in Versailles, France, MOS constructed Petite École, a small, open-air pavilion to house educational workshops for children. It is a place for looking and making, and for making and looking,...
CAD 68.95
Aldo & Hannie van Eyck. Excess of architecture
Dutch architects Aldo and Hannie van Eyck met as students of architecture and married in 1942, and worked together closely on most projects, interrupted only for a few years in the late 1970s. This book, part of the Everything series...
CAD 76.00
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